Don’t Be Anxious!
“For all your fretting and fuming, wining and complaining does not accomplish anything or salve any issues that you and others have.”
Continue reading →“For all your fretting and fuming, wining and complaining does not accomplish anything or salve any issues that you and others have.”
Continue reading →You do not need to forgive Me, for I have never sinned against you, says the LORD. I have only done you good all the days of your life.
Continue reading →“Even as you cannot see a child’s growth when you look at him each new day, you cannot see that you are growing and changing,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Expect miracles, signs and wonders, for I AM the same, yesterday, today and forever. What I did in the past, I will do again, and again” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Do not let your disappointment blind you from seeing your blessings,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Your hope is not empty,” says The LORD. “I have given you a lively hope. It is a living thing, not a dead-on-arrival dream!”
Continue reading →I did not call you to be a pleaser of people, says the LORD. For pleasing Me is what your pursuit is to be.
Continue reading →You say, “I do not have enough time to do everything that I need to do, and I cannot do everything.” But your times are in My hands!
Continue reading →“The process is not the outcome, and you are My Workmanship,” says The LORD. “I AM on task in your life. Trust Me in the process of your becoming all that I have purposed for you!”
Continue reading →“I have planted you in My Kingdom that is without end. You are a tree of righteousness, that will bear fruit of righteousness,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I AM your GOD that does all things perfectly, and there is nothing missing and nothing that needs improvement in what I do and will give to you,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Do not compromise!” says The LORD. “I do not want you to settle for less than I have promised you. Do not give up, and do not give in!”
Continue reading →“Dream again,” says The LORD, “for your imagination can never exceed what I AM able to do and what I AM able to give you.”
Continue reading →“I will not just bring you through, as you say, “Whew! I made it!” But I will cause you to overwhelm the enemy that is threatening you and warring against you,” says The LORD.
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