Fullness of Joy
“Come into My Presence, where you will have fullness of joy,” says The LORD. “I long to have sweet fellowship with you.”
Continue reading →“Come into My Presence, where you will have fullness of joy,” says The LORD. “I long to have sweet fellowship with you.”
Continue reading →“I will help you and fortify you and strengthen you and give you all that you need to succeed in everything that you need to do,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“You are not hopeless or defenseless,” says The LORD. “Hope in Me. Trust in My presence.”
Continue reading →“I do all things well,” says The LORD, “and all I do for you and in you and through you will be well.”
Continue reading →“Let My Word proceed out of your heart and mouth,” says The LORD. “For the words and work of men will utterly fall to the ground and fail you as well as those around about you.”
Continue reading →“Wade out deeper in the river of My Glory,” says The LORD. “Let go of the safety of the shore line and launch out into the deep.”
Continue reading →“I have released you from bondage and set you free from the jaws and claws of the evil one,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I AM faithfully on your side. The enemy sees Me as I have come alongside to help you and does not have the ability to defeat Me.
Continue reading →“Be a doer of My WORD and Work that I have called and chosen and equipped you to do,” says the LORD.
Continue reading →“Everything that I give to you is holy,” says The LORD. “Everything that I do for you is birthed from My own holiness.”
Continue reading →“Forever I AM yours and forever you are Mine,” says The LORD. “I did not vow to seek and to save you that was lost just to allow the evil one to snatch you out of My Hands.”
Continue reading →“I AM your beginning and I AM your end, and I AM your all in all,” says The LORD. “What I begin, I complete. What I have started will never be aborted.”
Continue reading →“By Wisdom I created the heavens and the earth, the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“My deep is calling for your deep,” says The LORD. “Come quickly. Come completely. Come empty. Come in your desperation and abandon yourself to Me.”
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