Miracles, Signs and Wonders
“Miracles, signs, and wonders are what I do, always,” says The LORD. “I will perform the spectacular and do what is astounding, for that is My nature, My power, and My purpose.”
Continue reading →“Miracles, signs, and wonders are what I do, always,” says The LORD. “I will perform the spectacular and do what is astounding, for that is My nature, My power, and My purpose.”
Continue reading →“Do not fear,” says The LORD. “For this is not from Me. The enemy desires to destroy your peace by speaking threatening and tormenting thoughts.”
Continue reading →“Go with Me, and you will always find peace,” says The LORD. “For I will be your peace. I will give you perfect peace when your focus remains upon Me.”
Continue reading →“I AM your source and your sufficiency in all things,” says The LORD. “Look to Me for everything and lean upon Me and My infinite understanding.”
Continue reading →“Fellowship with Me in My presence,” says The LORD. “For as you do, you will find that I AM your partner and friend that sticks with you closer than a brother.”
Continue reading →You will not be able to be plucked out of My hands. I AM with you as your caregiver, and lover of your soul.
Continue reading →“Good is My Word,” says The LORD. “Good is My work. Good is My will concerning you, and you are the work of My Hands.”
Continue reading →The LORD says: “I did not make you a wimp, and you need not cower. The enemy cannot carry out his threats against you, as he roars them out.”
Continue reading →“Don’t look back,” says The LORD. “Look forward! Focus on what is before you, not what is behind you. Let the dead works of the past be dead and buried.”
Continue reading →Pick up My sword, and shield. Put on My armor and use it. The sword of My Spirit is My Word in your mouth that is powerful, penetrating, and healing.
Continue reading →“Be strong in Me,” says The LORD. “For all that you need is available for you. I will not withhold strength from you.”
Continue reading →“Do not dwell in the land of discouragement, distractions, distress and destruction. For the enemy is vying for your attention,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Fellowship with Me in My Presence,” says The LORD. “For as you do, you will find that I Am your partner and friend that sticks with you closer than a brother.”
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