I Will Answer!
“I know the afflictions that you are suffering, and I will heal you and deliver you from all of them as you make Me your trust,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I know the afflictions that you are suffering, and I will heal you and deliver you from all of them as you make Me your trust,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Honor Me, and I will honor you,” says The LORD. “For no one who honors Me will take My word lightly.”
Continue reading →“Perfect is perfect,” says The LORD. “I will give you perfect peace, as you trust in Me.”
Continue reading →“No way is better than My way,” says The LORD. “For My way is always right for you!”
Continue reading →“Trust that no matter what your circumstances are, I AM not only aware of them, but I can do something about them,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Do you think I miss anything? Nothing gets past My attention. Nothing — absolutely Nothing,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I AM The LORD Who heals you! I AM your Great Physician,” says The LORD. “There is none greater!”
Continue reading →“Be bold and strong,” says The LORD. “I did not create you to be a wimp that turns your back to the enemy and run and hide.”
Continue reading →“I have not forgotten you,” says The LORD. “You are always in My Thoughts and in My Heart. You are in My hands that protect you and secure you. I have you.”
Continue reading →“Though the way seems difficult, do not despair,” says The LORD. “I will make a way for you and open new doors for you.”
Continue reading →“Just wait! Wait on Me,” says The LORD. “I will renew your strength. I will build you up. I will renew you. You will not be small and insignificant.”
Continue reading →“You need not come onto My Throne Room and Presence, kicking, screaming, flailing, waving your hands or wailing to get My attention,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Get ready for it, for although you expected a little good, I will pour out My blessings upon blessings for you, that you will not be able to contain them,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Everything that you have been through is for a purpose,” says The LORD. “Nothing is wasted. You do not have to understand everything right now.”
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