Every Step That You Take
I will direct your path and order every step that you take, says the Lord. You didn’t think that I would let you just wander around hopelessly, did you?
Continue reading →I will direct your path and order every step that you take, says the Lord. You didn’t think that I would let you just wander around hopelessly, did you?
Continue reading →I do not want you to be tormented with fear. Trust that I will always be there with you and bring you through every time and season that you face with success.
Continue reading →I AM your hiding place and place of safety at all times, says the LORD. You are safe with ME.
Continue reading →I AM your abiding peace, says the LORD. No matter what is happening in your life, I will sustain you with My peace that never ends.
Continue reading →I AM pouring out and pouring in My Spirit of rejoicing, and it will flow out of you and affect all that is around you, says the LORD.
Continue reading →I AM the One who is keeping you night and day, says the Lord. Even when you sleep, I have a watchful eye over you. You are safe and secure in ME at all times.
Continue reading →There are many I have allowed to go into the fiery trials of affliction, not to destroy them, but to show them My grace and protection and power says the LORD.
Continue reading →I AM your defense, says the LORD. As your advocate, I AM always on your side to help you.
Continue reading →You have not fallen short of My grace, says the Lord, for it is infallible and inexhaustible. There is no time that I will withhold it from you.
Continue reading →I will fill you with My glory, says the LORD, for you are My dwelling place and you are My holy priesthood.
Continue reading →I have not aborted My plans and purposes, says the Lord. They have come to a live birth and are vital and moving and growing and expanding and powerful.
Continue reading →You are not done, it is not over and I AM not finished with you or what I have authored for you, says the LORD.
Continue reading →I AM the God of More than enough. I go far beyond sufficiency and need. I do not desire to give you just enough to survive, but I have released the abundance.
Continue reading →I AM the greater One within you, and I cannot be threatened or defeated. I will not only hold you up, but cause you to be undefeatable in Me, says the LORD.
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