Never, will I reject You!
I will never reject you or turn you away. Whomever will, may come to Me and eat freely and drink freely of the bread of life and the fountain of living water.
Continue reading →I will never reject you or turn you away. Whomever will, may come to Me and eat freely and drink freely of the bread of life and the fountain of living water.
Continue reading →Precious and priceless is My plan and purpose for you life, says the LORD. It is good and complete. It is of Me, and is the Higher Ways and the HIGHER thoughts.
Continue reading →If you will listen to the sound of My voice, If you will hear My voice and obey My voice and follow ME, then you will have great success.
Continue reading →Come into My presence where there is fullness of joy, says the LORD. You have had a heavy heart. Your heart has been filled with sorrow and pain long enough.
Continue reading →I AM never threatened nor worried, never surprised by the enemy’s strategies and never defeated. I’ll fight for you and you will see the victory, says the LORD.
Continue reading →I will restore the years of failed harvest where there was only disappointment and lack, says the LORD. I will restore you.
Continue reading →I AM loosing you from the bonds that have held you captive and kept you from serving Me fully. You are NOT bound, but you are free.
Continue reading →Good is My WORD, says the LORD. GOOD is My WORK. My will is GOOD. My WORD and MY WILL, and MY WORK are the same.
Continue reading →You have asked Me for the fullness of My SPIRIT and My Power and My glory, says the LORD, and I AM asking you for your full surrender of yourself unto ME.
Continue reading →I will invade the dry bed and desolate places of your life with the rain of My SPIRIT, says the LORD.
Continue reading →Your peace cannot be taken away from you, says the LORD, for it is a gift from Me. It goes beyond the circumstance that are negative.
Continue reading →I AM loving, kind, tenderhearted and forgiving says the LORD, and I want you to be just like Me. Do not let bitterness enter into you giving place to the enemy.
Continue reading →My gifts cannot be taken away from you, says the LORD. They do not belong to the enemy and I will not allow the thief to enter in.
Continue reading →I AM your shield and rear guard, says the LORD. The enemy before Me cannot get past me to touch you. I said, touch not My anointed and do My prophets no harm.
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