Come closer to ME!
Come closer to me, My child, child, says the LORD. Come to me and receive of My goodness and mercy in your heart and life.
Continue reading →Come closer to me, My child, child, says the LORD. Come to me and receive of My goodness and mercy in your heart and life.
Continue reading →I will deliver you from trouble, though it is on every side, says the LORD. Even as My angel guarded the tree of Life in the midst of the garden of Eden,
Continue reading →Rejoice in songs of praise and thanksgiving unto Me, says the Lord, for all is well. I have given onto you My best gifts out of My treasuries.
Continue reading →Wait on Me, and I will renew your strength. Wait! Trust in Me. I have never failed you yet, and will not. I AM your help and I Am your abiding peace.
Continue reading →I will give you the victory, says the LORD, for it is paid for in the finished work of the cross for you. I will give you peace of mind in Me.
Continue reading →Come and get it, come and dine, says the LORD. I will open wide My hand, and I will provide for you.
Continue reading →I AM the First and the Last, the beginning and the end, say the LORD. There is nothing in between that I do not have control over. Your times are in My hands.
Continue reading →I will calm the storms in your life, says the LORD. I will speak to the raging winds of adversity and bring you into your desired haven of rest.
Continue reading →I AM your exceeding, great reward, and I will reward all of your labors for ME, says the LORD. I see them all, and they are ever before Me.
Continue reading →Give thanks unto Me at all times and let your praises arise in your heart and from your mouth, says the LORD. I inhabit your praise.
Continue reading →Your life is in My hands, says the LORD. My hands that created you. My hands embrace you. My hands that provide for you and it is My hands that heal you.
Continue reading →I AM your defense, says the LORD, and I will rescue you. I will save you from the enemy attacks and place My wall of fire about you and My glory within you.
Continue reading →Rejoice in ME, says the LORD. I have given you exceeding, precious promises, and I will hear and answer your prayers.
Continue reading →I will comfort you, says the LORD. I AM your God, and I see your tears. I know your heartache and understand your sorrow of heart.
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