It is Not Time to Give Up!
God has a new thing. Don’t look back. Go forward and know that He loves you just because the Word says so.
Continue reading →God has a new thing. Don’t look back. Go forward and know that He loves you just because the Word says so.
Continue reading →Each time you give your testimony you die a little, because you press pass the Pharisees and become the Word in Action! Who knows – you may even win a pharisee!
Continue reading →Father, we ask you to shine your light on those places in us that we have not yielded over to you because of ungodly vows in our time of pain.
Continue reading →This trial didn’t come to stay it came to pass! And the Lord said: “What came to kill you will turn for your good and will begin to heal you in every way!!”
Continue reading →When will we see your Glory? When will we so be filled with you that we will be able to truly affect our cities and states and countries? When God?
Continue reading →It is time to become that house of worship and prayer that Jesus said His house should be, and let down the ladder! Glory to God!
Continue reading →This is My best for you! This was My heart when I created you. Make adjustments now to go for it and to attain that which I have designed you to do and to be.
Continue reading →But I hear The Lord saying, They did not see what you went through as a child and you called My name so many times …
Continue reading →The Lord says we’re in the hall of transition (time of testing) we must look into the mirror of His Word to be ready for this great ceremony about to take place
Continue reading →You are no longer mere humans… but humans filled with an almighty God who is all powerful and all knowing!
Continue reading →I see an army of light going into the darkness and bringing healing and restoration to the desolate places.
Continue reading →The Lord has been saying that many whom He has been dealing with about disciplining themselves in things, have not been obedient to his teachings.
Continue reading →The Lord said, that is what happens when you get out of the rhythm of my Spirit. You begin to just feel all out of sync and it irritated, your peace leaves…
Continue reading →He is truly honing us as true sons and daughters. He is seeing who He can trust with the Spiritual treasures…
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