New Assignments and Positions for the Next Season
The Lord says, He has greater works for you to do in these last days and you can only do that as you rest in His Love! Come beloved and rest at His feet…”
Continue reading →The Lord says, He has greater works for you to do in these last days and you can only do that as you rest in His Love! Come beloved and rest at His feet…”
Continue reading →Get ready to go to a new level of authority in the earth realm, for I AM about to ordain you publicly as My True Prophetic Voices!
Continue reading →We are to rest in God and in His promises, but there are a few things that God tells us to strive for! Let these be our aim in 2015!
Continue reading →Hold on for this is your destiny. I Myself, will launch you over this fence that you thought that you could never get over!
Continue reading →God is busy making a way for you to go through some ancient doors that have been closed up for centuries, but are now being shaken open for the people of God!
Continue reading →You see if you want revelation, repenting from your ways and seeking His truth must come first. You must know that His ways are higher than your ways.
Continue reading →Some of you had gotten to a place that you thought that you would never attain in your life, and in fact, for a time you thought God was finished with you!
Continue reading →There’s a sound coming forth from Zion that will begin to blow the enemy out of the way and make room for the Lord to appear in His Temple! You are the Temple!
Continue reading →The Lord says: Do not wait or continue to only look for my word to come forth out of the pulpits for I am pouring out my Spirit upon the whole earth!
Continue reading →God is marking His intercessors. I saw an angel marking those who had a heart for their land and that would decree that God is able in their cities!
Continue reading →It is time to speak the truth and to be obedient to My voice, for this is the day and hour that My people will not receive truth!
Continue reading →We must guard our hearts as we guard our outsides, with the protection of God, because we haven’t seen anything yet! It’s time to put on the Lord Jesus Christ!
Continue reading →The Lord says: “Dig deeper into Me because my heart is still in you and I want to you to press past the dirt that has tried to cover it and make it cold….”
Continue reading →The Lord says that, He is calling many of you to seek Him more and seek Him early because He has true riches that are there for those that Love Him.
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