Have No Fear! He’s the Same God!
God is still the same God who has always fought and destroyed the enemies of His chosen people.
Continue reading →God is still the same God who has always fought and destroyed the enemies of His chosen people.
Continue reading →God says that you have proved faithful and stood through the trying tests and fiery trials.
Continue reading →God says you won’t have to wait until this storm is over!
Continue reading →As I was seeking to hear from God concerning this time, the word that I received in my spirit was God saying, “Enough is enough!”
Continue reading →God has the eternal balances in His hand and has weighed the matter concerning all things and He is about to send judgement to this nation and this world.
Continue reading →God has begun to shake the covers off the hidden foundations and expose the motives and intent of the proud and wicked.
Continue reading →There is no time like this very moment, when we need to pray & seek God for His repentance, salvation, protection and guidance for ourselves and our loved ones.
Continue reading →There will be an astounding move of God around the world with seismic change and activity.
Continue reading →There is a sense and feeling of uneasiness, severe tensions, and distress in the atmosphere.
Continue reading →Some people believe that they can pick and choose those who are anointed by God and those who are not anointed by God.
Continue reading →Following last week’s dream, I have a persistent and consistent unction from the Most High so I am compelled to share this with you as my spirit is so restless.
Continue reading →After prayers, meditations, and awesome dreams and visions of the LORD…..
Continue reading →This is based upon a dream that I had where there were some extraordinary events going on in the sky.
Continue reading →The LORD says that the year of 2017 is a favorable year for you. What do I mean by a favorable year?
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