More Bible Prophecy Working for You!
The Iran Deal: The more President Trump acts and says, the more the Bible prophecy that God fulfills through him.
Continue reading →The Iran Deal: The more President Trump acts and says, the more the Bible prophecy that God fulfills through him.
Continue reading →As I watch the different news reports, it is evident that biblical scriptures and prophecies are fulfilling very rapidly.
Continue reading →Your life at the moment may be dry and lifeless, where nothing seems to be going your way.
Continue reading →Within the next few months, starting with the month of May, we will begin to see Almighty God bring major changes upon the scene.
Continue reading →Get ready to experience major shifts and changes that will affect your personal life and the world scene as we know it…..
Continue reading →God is saying that this nation (The United States of America) is due for Judgement, because of the atrocities and sins that have.
Continue reading →Be patient and believe, because not only will you witness these changes that The Most High God is bringing, but also the world at large…..
Continue reading →God says to hold on in spite of your obstacles, setbacks and challenges…..
Continue reading →I believe this world is headed for some very troubling times, where destruction and troubles are intensifying, all with very evil plans brewing behind the scenes.
Continue reading →The year of 2018 will usher in a whole new gateway of “Knowledge” and “Truth” for the Saints of God that will propel them onto a fast track for great change.
Continue reading →It does not matter what you are going through, who betrayed or walked away from you or what doors opened or closed in your life.
Continue reading →Many of you right now are facing much adversity, opposition, and persecution from the enemy and it is because you are in the right place.
Continue reading →Once you find out that you are royalty and chosen by the Most High God, being hated and despised is a divine blessing.
Continue reading →Many of you believe that you are stuck in a place that is dry and barren. A place where there is no progress or where nothing is happening for you.
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