We Are Happy In The LORD!
We are happy in the LORD, No matter our circumstances, We are trusting in the LORD, No matter what happens,
Oh LORD we trust Your Holy Name!
We are happy in the LORD, No matter our circumstances, We are trusting in the LORD, No matter what happens,
Oh LORD we trust Your Holy Name!
Surprise us with love at daybreak; then we’ll skip and dance all the day long. Make up for the bad times with some good times; we’ve seen enough evil to last a lifetime.
Continue reading →I lay my heart bare before You LORD Jesus, Surrendered to You completely, Without covering, Without double mindedness; Open like a book.
Continue reading →Every good thing comes from my LORD; Every good thing comes from above; Sent down on the Wings of His Glory; Everything good comes from Him; Every good thing He has for me.
Continue reading →Oh my God wins, forever and forever; The enemy is a defeated foe; Oh my story is just beginning; The enemy can’t touch me; Mighty is my LORD’s Right Hand.
Continue reading →I put my hope in You… I put my hope in You… Not in man, oh no; Only in You… ‘Cause You are True; And Your Word leads only to Truth; And brings Light.
Continue reading →Be still and know that I AM God — Your Lover who stands in the waterfall; I AM roaring in the Spirit; Roaring for my Beloved Bride.
Continue reading →Go with joy in your heart; Walk the path; Where the Joy of The LORD is your Strength; Go dancing and singing;
Along the path; Where the Light of the LORD shines.
Remember Him earnestly; Remember the former things, Those of long ago; He is God, and there is no other; He is God, and there is none like He.
Continue reading →You who serve God, praise God! Just to speak His Name is praise! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Just to remember God is a blessing
Now and tomorrow and always.
What is that sound I hear Rushing forth into my ears? What is that sound I hear Whispering forth into my spirit? The Dayspring from on High Hath visited us, To give the Light,
Continue reading →Oh I say, “I do, I do, I do.” Oh I say, “I do, I do, I do.” I love you! I love them that love Me; And those that seek Me early Shall find Me…
Continue reading →Be happy; Grow in Christ; Live in harmony and peace; And may the God of Love and Peace be with you; Laugh with Him; Sing with Him; Dance with Him.
Continue reading →He builds my faith; And gives me strength; I can make it; I can break through this pain; He calls my name; And shows me the way; I can make it; I can break through these chains.
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