Oh, Don’t You Know Who You Are?
The world is getting darker; But you are getting brighter; The world challenges your peace; But your peace is unshakable; The world lies; But His Promises are real.
But His Truth is everlasting
Continue reading →The world is getting darker; But you are getting brighter; The world challenges your peace; But your peace is unshakable; The world lies; But His Promises are real.
But His Truth is everlasting
Continue reading →Praise be to the name of God; For ever and ever; Wisdom and Power are His; Oh hallelujah! All knowing, ever present, all powerful; The Most High God.
Continue reading →I may walk through fire; But it will not touch me; The storm blows all around me, Yet I walk on water; Cause the Greater One lives inside me; And I walk by faith, Strong and courageous.
Continue reading →The turning pages of your life; A story like no other; The LORD lovingly wrote before the ages — Before the foundation of the earth was laid.
Continue reading →Two paths: Like night or day; Like left or right; Like despair or hope; Like death or life; Like curses or blessings; Like poverty or prosperity; Like rebellion or obedience.
Continue reading →I will obey my LORD; For every path He guides me on; Is fragrant with His Lovingkindness; And His Truth; For those who fear and believe in Him; He confides in them; And they are not put to shame.
Continue reading →Praise The LORD! Praise The LORD! Praise The LORD! All the lies of the enemy are falling; His dam of deceit is cracking!
Continue reading →Precious Child of God; God is setting you free; Keep Hope in your heart; Let Faith guide you; He is coming to restore; He is coming to make all things new; His Glory is soon descending!
Continue reading →You ARE The Mighty One; You ARE The Mighty One; Who has captured my heart; And set it free! Who has shined a light in the darkness; And opened my eyes! Oh, there is none higher than You!
Continue reading →Oh can you see LORD, In the dawn’s early light, Your Golden Rays; Shining through the forest? And Your Gentle Breeze; Shivering the needles of pine into joy?
Continue reading →Do not be afraid my darling, For do you hear His Voice calling? Traveling on the wind; A Voice that speaks to your spirit; Gentle and calming; Echoing from the deep?
Continue reading →The Sea of Eternity; Is filled with Your Mysteries; For those who have eyes to see; And ears to hear.
Continue reading →Your Glory above the Heavens; Is brighter than I imagined; Over the earth Your Winds blow; Oh! Oh! Ohhhhh; Your Glory, Your Glory!
Continue reading →Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; Let Your Glory be over all the earth; During the day the clouds; Sweep over the lands; And praise Your Mighty Name!
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