Deliverance From The Snare of the Fowler
The process of transition from the old season into this season of newness may still feel strange, but it was strategically designed to bring God all of the glory.
Continue reading →The process of transition from the old season into this season of newness may still feel strange, but it was strategically designed to bring God all of the glory.
Continue reading →The LORD is releasing a fresh wind of hope and encouragement to the sons and daughters of God.
Continue reading →The LORD is releasing specific directions for your New Assignments. Are you ready to receive the instruction of The LORD?
Continue reading →Under the leadership of The Holy Spirit, ensure that every disconnection, redirection, and realignment that you have experienced receives a proper burial.
Continue reading →The long awaited transition is being accompanied by waves of deliverance and reassurance.
Continue reading →This Prophetic Word is for those who feel surrounded, suffocated, pressured, and misjudged.
Continue reading →Even in the midst of economic uncertainty and whispers of recession, the children of God can look forward to an optimistic financial and entrepreneurial future.
Continue reading →The LORD is completely removing you from the old season and paradigm that accompanied lack, slander, insurmountable hardships, ridicule and betrayal.
Continue reading →As you increase in this place dominion, you will notice sudden shifts in your alignments and relationships.
Continue reading →The LORD is opening up an entirely new path for you. While this path is not free of your awareness of opposition, you can guarantee that this era will be unlike the past season.
Continue reading →As God is releasing instruction to further advance The Kingdom, the enemy is seeking to incite confusion through the use of the small foxes.
Continue reading →As I was reading the other day, The LORD reminded me that 5783/ 2023 is the year of Gimmel — ג.
Continue reading →The Season of Suddenly and Abundance is deviating to a abruptly and abundance, and you will feel and see the difference.
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