America: Voting and the Golden Calf Moment
Several years ago, I was tasked by The LORD to prayerfully watch the ongoing presidential elections in a country.
Continue reading →Several years ago, I was tasked by The LORD to prayerfully watch the ongoing presidential elections in a country.
Continue reading →Prophets are seemingly taking a tongue lashing in America and the world concerning the second-term presidency of Donald Trump.
Continue reading →A sample prayer to be used with the HKP Prophetic Word, “America: The Season of the War and Swords in the Nations.”
Continue reading →In a dream, I was saying “Something is now beginning!” I was aware The Season of War and The Swords is now beginning.
Continue reading →I affirm the prophetic Words showing The LORD proposed a two-term presidency for Donald Trump as undeniably true.
Continue reading →There are tremendous shifts going on in the heavens; as the saints wage war through prayers to enact the righteous Will of The LORD.
Continue reading →Prayers are causing exposures that will reveal solid evidence for Donald Trump to make his case in the Courts.
Continue reading →There is no doubt in my heart The LORD had preordained two terms for Donald Trump; as even many prophets had declared.
Continue reading →I’ve been praying for the significance of dreams of Nigeria, knowing that nothing of this magnitude takes place without orders from on High.
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