A Touch From The LORD
If you had an intimate affair where you enjoyed the presence so much, will you broadcast it without consent?
Continue reading →If you had an intimate affair where you enjoyed the presence so much, will you broadcast it without consent?
Continue reading →The Scriptures in 2 Samuel 6 speaks of Uzzah, the man who put forth his hand to hold The Ark of God, but got smitten.
Continue reading →A Bondservant has one duty, to obey His Lord and Master, regardless of the conditions or circumstances of service.
Continue reading →Sometimes we don’t just lie against men, we also lie against The LORD, when we give a testimony that run contrary to what The LORD has shown you personally.
Continue reading →An Angel of The LORD appeared to Joseph in a dream instructing him to take the child [The LORD Jesus Christ, Lord of Creation], and flee to Egypt from Herod for a time.
Continue reading →The Prophetic Chart for the victory your Call and Assignment is predestined to gain, and may show that you will crush the head of the serpent!
Continue reading →Listen! You cannot accomplish by spiritual conjuration, what you were meant to accomplish by obedience to clear instructions.
Continue reading →There are battlegrounds you could be sent to labor in and for The Kingdom of God that’ll see you take a hit, and a bruise to your heel.
Continue reading →It is so easy to whine about the state of The Church and how badly the flock is treated and still not “feed His sheep”.
Continue reading →I am shocked at the Christians who are shocked — and are only just realising that the stage is being set for something unprecedented.
Continue reading →There are times when you have no words, but tears unto God; it’s okay to let the tears speak.
Continue reading →We underestimate how great the loss is, when those “sent” by God into our lives, cities and regions are “taken” either to be with The LORD or reassigned to another constituency.
Continue reading →The Scripture in several places revealed how several significant encounters and results accompanied 40-day fasts and encounters.
Continue reading →There are matters for adjudication that are considered of lesser weight; and are left for brethren to whom authority is given to preside and judge over.
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