Australia, My Beloved Australia!
“Australia, Australia, My beloved Australia, this is the appointed time! This is the appointed season!
No longer will the vision be delayed but that which you have waited for shall now come to pass,” says the Spirit of God.
Last night I had a powerful and poignant dream where I was standing high upon a mountain side looking down on the nation of Australia, when suddenly I saw two golden gates opening up before the nation and a bright light appeared at the entrance of the gates.
Then I heard these words, “Australia, Australia, My beloved Australia, this is the appointed time, this is the appointed season. No longer will the vision be delayed but that which you have waited for shall now come to pass”.
Then I saw a golden scepter being extended towards the nation and as the scepter went forth, suddenly the skies above me were filled with the radiant colours of a rainbow and then I watched as a multitude of angels began ascending and descending upon the whole nation.
Again a voice came from within the bright light saying, “Australia, Australia, My beloved Australia! Now arise, shine, for My Glory has risen upon you.
For this is the appointed time. This is the appointed season, for my covenant promises shall now be made manifest upon this nation.
Australia watch for the fires of My glory will burn, burn, burn upon this nation and all nations will be drawn to the brightness of your rising!”
I Prophesy: God is breaking the Spirit of delay, dormancy and death over the ground in this nation.
I hear the sound of abundance. I see a cloud the size of a man’s fist over this nation.
The Spirit says, “Go up, go up! The sound of the abundance of rain can now be heard!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
thank you for this Word