HomeProphecyAugust 2024 and Some Needed Prophetic Clarity


August 2024 and Some Needed Prophetic Clarity — 6 Comments

  1. The riots which went on from 30th July to 5th August following these murders were horrific. 

    As I watched the violence that was happening, particularly in Stockport and then Rotherham – and as it went on seemingly uncontrolled for days – I was aghast and began to sense in my spirit, that if the Lord didn’t contain it somehow, that it would just escalate completely out of control everywhere and that we were at risk here in the UK of passing a point of no return.

    I live just 7 or 8 miles from where an attempt was made to burn down a refugee hotel by the rioters.  I barely went out for days … and my Indian friend likewise was afraid to go out.  There is a large immigrant population near to where I live and the sense of fear and tension in the air amongst all communities was palpable.

    I can assure you Veronika that you are correct, and it was only prayer which minimised the destruction of those 6 days of rioting, because I sensed in my spirit at one point that we were approaching some sort of ‘tipping point’ whereby the violence would become completely uncontrollable and spill out throughout the country. The police really struggled to contain it and at one point I thought they were going to lose control of the crowds completely. 

    Only prayer contained and minimised this I’m certain.

  2. Veronika, I very much appreciate your humility and willingness to address concerns.  Is it possible that we have become somewhat hardened to things that ought to leave us “aghast”? Yes, 4 little girls murdered at nursery school is horrific yet unfortunately such tragedies have become commonplace. Just today in my state there was another school shooting. (Georgia)
    I wish there were a way I could send a picture of the political ad I found in my mailbox. Once again Kamala Harris is pictured with a crown on her head!

  3. I agree Veronika I believe that our prayers held back some of the things that could have happened and the little girls I cried when I had heard about that and yes I believe our prayers saved other children but now is not the time to stop praying or get comfortable because August is gone, now is the time to keep our faces even more so before our God.

  4. I believe nothing major physical happened in August but in the spiritual realm, there were major things that happened. We had the 8/8/2024 a triple 8 which ushered us into a major awakening in the spirit

  5. In August we had
    – riots that it turned out were orchestrated by the government in order to bring in tougher internet laws against free speech
    – people being arrested and imprisoned for things that are not normally considered crimes
    – meanwhile real criminals are released and pedophiles are let off
    – and posting footage about the riots is made a crime

    In other words, Starmer has shown his true colours and his rating has plummeted.

    I think that qualifies for both Awe and Aghast! Awe that Starmer has been exposed so quickly and that his orchestrated riots have backfired. Aghast at the clear break down of law and justice.

    By the way, there is a court of appeal judgement that it is ok to swear at the police. However, you get imprisoned for shouting at them. Make of that what you will.

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