Ashes to Gold
As the Wind of My Spirit blows, rocks are being overturned and much is being revealed.
Even as great deception is coming forth in the hearts of the wicked, I reveal the heart of my faithful, obedient ones. In turbulent times, you will see the qualities that have been worked within you arise.
When to others it looks like you have been cast aside and on an ash heap, the truth is that you have been in a fire not of your own doing, but orchestrated by My loving Hand to bring you forth as a righteous, perfected vessel. I turn ashes to pure gold.
Change can be uncomfortable it is true, but as you go with My Spirit, I propel you forward into new territory. As you allow yourself to be guided by My loving hand, the transition will be smooth and graceful.
You truly are on an adventure with the King of Glory, safe and secure in My loving arms.
“But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold,” Job 23:10.
~ Linda Patterson
Linda Patterson is an ordained minister in Ontario, Canada. Deeply in love with Jesus, her Bridegroom King, Linda is an intercessor and warrior. One of the ministries God has called her to, ‘Adorning The Bride,’ is speaking from the heart of God to the Remnant Church. Linda and her late husband Doug, were the founders of Shekinah Restoration Centre.
Hallelujah Amen Father my God !