As I Stand Next To You
I keep hearing over and over, “As I stand next to you.”
As I stand next to you, you walk, you run, you jump and play.
As I stand next to you, you make decisions.
As I stand next you, you bring light to the world, you walk and run some more. You turn people to me and love one another.
As I stand next to you rejoice and hope for the future. You rise into the positions I have called you to be.
As I stand next to you, you love My children and plant My seeds.
And as I stand next to you, you look up and gaze into My eyes.
My people, My love stands strong, My hands hold you tight. I bring you great peace and love.
And as I stand next to you, you grab hold and fill the earth with all My Glory.
And as I stand next to you, I rejoice over My people, My children who I created through love.
~ Deb Zickafoose
Awesome Words! Amen