Around the Mountain One More Time
Someone recently challenged me and asked what was lacking with the gospel and the ministry I used function in, where so many lives were touched, healed and delivered.
My answer was — “Nothing! It was exceptional!”
“So why then does your ministry seem so different and your message also?” he wanted to know.
“The answer,” I said, “is simple! I am no longer in that time or at that place, I have moved on, as you should have done also!”
We are not destined to “go around the mountain one more time”. This is precisely were The Church is missing God.
They are so involved in their programs and in their rituals that they have never noticed that God has moved on, into a new season of Glory, speaking with a New Sound and bringing fresh Revelation in the unveiling of His Person, His ways and His intended relationship with us as His Sons.
“If I remained, I would be stuck exactly where you are stuck right now. Doing the things you have been doing and repeating the same things, simply spiced and repackaged in a new wrapper,” concluded my answer to his question.
God’s Vision is from Glory to Glory. It is moving beyond the things of the forefathers of religion, beyond the known, to live in the Revelation of the things we have never heard, seen or even thought about in our hearts.
To discover the incredible riches of His Glory, the indescribable reality of His Person and the knowing of Union with Him.
To be where Moses was when, while surrounded by the signs and wonders of God’s Presence, with a mountain burning with fire and a cloud of covering, not being satisfied.
Knowing that there is much more than what can be encountered in demonstration. Knowing that the true “Glory” was not in the visible, but in the unknown Revelation of Who He truly Is, and to look beyond what we know in the knowledge of encounters, and to cry out —
“Show Me Your True Glory!”
“Show me Who You truly are!”
“Reveal in me what no one knows of You!”
“Take me into the secret chambers of the hidden treasures about You and make them real in me.”
“Let me Know You!” (Ginoshko – to be made One with Who You Are as a man and a women grow to become one in their Union).
“Take me to that secret room, where the doors are shut from the eyes and the ears of others, and let me know You, as You Are.”
This was not possible for Moses, but in the New Season (dispensation) of The Holy Spirit, it is not only possible but encouraged!
“As we behold (gaze into His Glory — some translated the word = The Living Person of God = The Glory of His Being), we are changed and that from one dimension of the Revelation of His Glory and His Person in us, to another.”
There is for us dimensions in the Spirit that has been unlocked that those who have gone before us strongly desired to have access to, but it was not available to them.
Jesus was the key and still is today.
Church is not the answer. Christ — the Spirit in unveiled Revelation is the Way that all previous paths have led to.
It is the Spirit and Life. It is Knowing. It is Union. It is Living Communion. It is The Kingdom in us. It is us, the Kingdom manifested on earth. It is Sonship.
Someone once told me, “Who want syrup, once they’ve tasted honey?”
This, my friend, is why I have chosen to leave the good things of yesterday behind and to reach for, lay hold of and possess the things that are Indescribable, today!
~ Johann van der Hoven
Johann van der Hoven has followed the Holy Spirit on a transformative journey since 1990. From 1991 onward, he has experienced and walked in the profound reality of God’s Presence, a journey that has shaped his life and message.
It was exceptional!
Right on! Thank you! Please keep going where He is! It is lonely but I would not trade it for anything! Please keep writing!
May all know His Presence is worth all we have for more of Him!