Are You Willing?
2 Words in 1
Are You Willing?
When I came into prayer this morning, I heard Abba say to me, “This morning I want to give you a word about you. Are you willing to write what I have to say?”
My immediate response was “yes,” but then it took me 30 minutes to again take up my pen. I realized just how hesitant I was to write what He had to say about me to me.
The revelation He gave was that of His love. It is such a deep revelation that I imagine I will be processing it for weeks to come, until it finally settles in my spirit.
The truth is, that there are times I struggle with unconditional love so the thought that my Heavenly Father would love me, not just in my strengths, but in my weaknesses, is hard for me to receive.
Sure, I quickly extend advice to others concerning His love for them, but when it comes to me, I assume that when He feels distant it is because He is angry or disappointed with me.
I assume that when I mess up, I am less loved and less acceptable in His sight.
Isn’t it amazing how we assume that God’s love is somehow like our own? Yet the human standard of love, even that of a father to a son, is at best a faint shadow of our Heavenly Father’s love for us.
When God called you…
- He knew every mistake you were going to make.
- He knew every doubt you would succumb to.
- He knew every lie you were going to embrace as truth.
Yet He loves you. He loves YOU.
He doesn’t just love the dressed up, got it all right, got it all together you. He loves the broken down, broken hearted, faithless, sinful and loveless you.
Does this look like the love of a man?
Can you believe that it is true?
Will you put the full weight of your faith in it?
Father and Son
When a father has a son, the son’s deepest parts are a reflection of the father.
So while the son has a unique identity, it all begins with the father.
Examination of the deepest parts of the son only serve to reveal the father and the deeper the search the more the father is evident.
The father is at your very heart. He formed your inmost being. He IS your inmost being.
The tiniest parts of you cannot be seen by any eye and yet what they contain is more vast than the human mind can comprehend.
The revelation of the Heavenly Father is within you because He is at the very heart of you. Your actions are meant to reflect your identity but even when they do not they cannot change who you are.
Yet when you mindfully consider who you are and walk out of your identity your actions are sure to reflect it.
~ Mitch Salmon
Mitch Salmon is the founder of Fisher of Men Productions and a follower of Jesus Christ and proclaimer of the Good News – The Gospel of Christ Jesus!
Thank you Mitch. I have really struggled the past year and am at the end of myself lately especially. Your word about the Father’s unconditional love is one I keep running into the past two days. It all lines up. I have had a hard time accepting the Father’s unconditional love. I thought all my mistakes were Him punishing me. But it never changed me. Only the revelation of His love is now making a big difference. Thank you so much for this word!!