Are You Ready for the Final Curtain Call?
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12.
“Are you ready for the final curtain call? For the actors are assembled and the stage is set.
How will the final scene play out? Who will be the protagonist and who will be the antagonist?
For surely, the story will play out and yet who will get the applause?
For as it is written, ‘I have scattered your enemies abroad let them also that hate him flee before him.’
But indeed, the one doomed for perdition will in the final analysis, wreck havoc upon those in his midst.
For the wind will blow across this land and in its fury, it will expose the thoughts and intentions of those who are caught-up in its maelstrom.
For this is a time of testing, My People. Use this time to examine your hearts. Use this time to enter into reflection concerning the powers that be that have arisen in this hour.
Will you be ready when the Son of Man comes? Will I find your heart ready? Indeed, will I find you brandishing your sword or instilling peace with others?
I would not have you pursue peace at any cost, but that you would attempt to use those things that you have at your disposal for furthering growth and good will among your own.
For indeed, this is a time when the enemy is knocking at the door, and he would have you open that door for confusion and disruption.
You should know by now that he is the father of lies. But once you swallow his lies then bit by bit those lies become a part of you.
Then the time will come when those lies will become the truth to you.
Have you been able to distinguish between the lies and the truth in this hour, or have those lies now entered into your system and become a part of your makeup?
In time, a person can feed those lies and then the food that they partake, becomes a part of their regular diet.
But to those who have trained their faculties to know the difference between truth and lies, then those abilities are strengthened.”
~ Stephen Hanson
Stephen Hanson of In His Truth Ministries came to the LORD is a special way in 1975 and has prophesied regularly since. In these end-time birthing pangs we are reminded that judgment must first begin with the household of God. Will we be prepared and ready?
To be.honest
Stephen Hanson writings are poetic as well intro to a storyline for novelty. Nevertheless, his message brands WARNING and sings to tunes from the Book from Song of Solomon I BELIEVE his message forth warns about Trump, Biden and November 3 elections.
Take to heart …saved and unsaved, just and unjust …”How will the final scene play out? Who will be the protagonist and who will be the antagonist?” Stephen Hanson
Who would be the NEXT POTUS?
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST has ALREADY cast HIS decided Commander-In-Chief.
The conservative justices that trump is nominating for the bench, would insure that trump would never become a dictator.
That is certainly not an assurance especially when these things are already happening.
Great word! The delusion is very strong. Many are deceived. God showed me also the current president is a test for the Christian’s! A test, as far as who are you really trusting? Are you going to trust in this man, as if he is god? Or will you fully put all your faith in me, your Lord and savior! God hates all this idolatry! Trump worship.