HomeChristian LivingAn Outsider, Yet One Who Speaks the Truth — Pt.2


An Outsider, Yet One Who Speaks the Truth — Pt.2 — 7 Comments

  1. I look forward when you share Stephen because I hear truth. I too am and outsider and I see the world as it really is.  When you do share I appreciate your honesty and boldness to speak truth no matter whether it is the “popular” opinion. I agree totally with part 1 & part2.  I believe we are under judgement and those who stay close and have relationship with our Father will be cared for. We may not have what we “want” but we will be provided with what we “need”. He promises He will guide, provide and protect us if we look to Him. Thank you for listening to Him and speaking truth no matter what.

  2. I totally agree with you Stephen – the prophesies in the Bible tell us what it will be like in the last days and it isn’t a pretty picture – the Lord doesn’t change his timetable but He said He will be with us and never leave nor forsake us right up until the very end but we have to not forsake Him
    – will He find faith when He returns He asks –
    I pray my faith and those I love not fail

  3. Man of God, I happen to be one of those “outsiders” thinking differently, but prayerfully always, in the measure of faith to Truth Rom. 12:3. The invitation to share views to me are always interesting, because I have the unmitigated nerve to believe the Holy Spirit would illuminate something to me and/or the reader in the exchange. Science or Scripture – In adopting the Biblical “worldview” we know and understand it does not necessarily all at once defy all of science, yet there are times in faith that have – can and will defy science in the Sovereignty of God’s divine plan. He Sovereignly reigns – to will and to do anytime, anywhere, however, through whomever. Phil. 2:13. As for the “Prophetic” community and His Kingdom Part 2 if i may…

    • part 2. Science and Philosophy will seem solid and sound in the absence of a Biblical worldview. The ‘god’ of this world narratives, was and is The Creator versus the “duplicator”. Consider – to declare “better” days ahead, in no way, is less than what God’s “prophetic voices” offers in the midst of His judgement. A red thread of mercy and grace, can always be found, at times for those who weren’t expecting. Sometimes it’s a matter of who we’re connected to. Joshua 6:5. At most, God thinks “generationally” Deut. 5:9. Better days could be tomorrow, or the next – but to God it might be generations later 2Pet. 3:8 yet still “better” days.

      • …as far as a tendencies to ignore or grasp what His viewpoint and life would “now” say as it relates to ideologies and/or political discourse – Truths are found in the Word. Heb. 13:8 His Kingdom come.

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