HomeProphecyAn Outsider, Yet One Who Speaks the Truth


An Outsider, Yet One Who Speaks the Truth — 13 Comments

  1. Prophet Hanson … You are NOT alone. Behold the Prophetic Word God gave me concerning you, sent to you this day, Sunday, April 12, 2020 at 3:00 A.M. Be encouraged … Stephen Arthur Hanson, thus saith The Lord God Almighty, The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob: “Yea, I have called thee as a Prophet of these last days, counted among the remnant of End Time Prophets I have preserved, that I have sent forth, that will go forth. My hand resteth upon thee, yea My Spirit abideth in thee, yea My words I have placed in thy mouth, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, words of revelation, edification and exhortation. Fear not their faces or their voices. Continue to speak, decree and declare what I command of thee to say, and know that I am with thee. Arise and shine, being the light that you are in a world that is growing dimmer even darker, that others cannot see, cannot discern, cannot sense. I have and will place in you My thoughts, My words, yea My desires. Continue to lift your voice as a trumpet, as a shofar, sounding an alarm to all who will listen. Know this, there are many who call themselves prophets who I have not called, who I have not spoken to. Woe unto them! Have I not said, “Yes, in My house I have found their wickedness. Therefore, their way shall be to them like slippery ways, in the darkness they shall be driven on and fall in them. For I will bring disaster on them! They walk in lies and strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one turns back from wickedness.” Yea, all I will spew out of My mouth. Do not be moved by the words that they prophesy, for they speak from their vain imaginations and not from my mouth. Woe, the time is coming and now is that my Remant shall come forth. The true Prophets who will not be in unison with the self appointed ones I have taken my anointing from. The time is coming and now is that My remnant of Holy Prophets will come forth mightily with the Spirit of the Lord, yea My Spirit, upon them, and you among them. Therefore, rejoice in Me, find strength in Me, abide in Me. I am your covering, I am your shield, I am your redeemer.” says The Spirit of the Living God.

  2. Prophet Hanson … You are NOT alone. Below is the Prophetic Word God gave to me at 3:00 A.M. this morning, (Sunday, April 12, 2020), which I sent to you. Be encouraged, you are highly favored by God.

    Stephen Arthur Hanson, thus saith The Lord God Almighty, The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob: “Yea, I have called thee as a Prophet of these last days, counted among the remnant of End Time Prophets I have preserved, that I have sent forth, that will go forth. My hand resteth upon thee, yea My Spirit abideth in thee, yea My words I have placed in thy mouth, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, words of revelation, edification and exhortation. Fear not their faces or their voices. Continue to speak, decree and declare what I command of thee to say, and know that I am with thee. Arise and shine, being the light that you are in a world that is growing dimmer even darker, that others cannot see, cannot discern, cannot sense. I have and will place in you My thoughts, My words, yea My desires. Continue to lift your voice as a trumpet, as a shofar, sounding an alarm to all who will listen. Know this, there are many who call themselves prophets who I have not called, who I have not spoken to. Woe unto them! Have I not said, “Yes, in My house I have found their wickedness. Therefore, their way shall be to them like slippery ways, in the darkness they shall be driven on and fall in them. For I will bring disaster on them! They walk in lies and strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one turns back from wickedness.” Yea, all I will spew out of My mouth. Do not be moved by the words that they prophesy, for they speak from their vain imaginations and not from my mouth. Woe, the time is coming and now is that my Remant shall come forth. The true Prophets who will not be in unison with the self appointed ones I have taken my anointing from. The time is coming and now is that My remnant of Holy Prophets will come forth mightily with the Spirit of the Lord, yea My Spirit, upon them, and you among them. Therefore, rejoice in Me, find strength in Me, abide in Me. I am your covering, I am your shield, I am your redeemer.” says The Spirit of the Living God.

  3. True. GOD is the mainstream forces directed THROUGH the HOLY ghost to prophectically to his true chosen messagers.

  4. PRAYERS BROTHER… I do to but more and more are waking up and the they are seeing what you see. We are not Prophets but obedient servents of YAHUAH!. You may very well feel like Jeremiah/Yirmeyahu but you will be blessed and crowned by Yahusha FOR BRINGING THE TRUTH.  PRAYING FOR EARS TO OPEN AND EYES TO SEE.  ALL GLORY TO YAH! AMEIN AMEIN

  5. Keep up the courage! My husband also has a prophetic gift and over 15 years ago started receiving prophecies about America and the world in general. The prophecies are not pleasant. We have everything written down but have only given to a few close friends.  It’s become obvious that Christians can be deceived.

    • I know exactly how you feel! I keep hearing that this is just the beginning and things will get much worse. I also hear, “DO NOT be shaken. DO NOT be afraid. I am coming soon.”

  6. I believe that you are one of a few true prophets in the world.  It is so evident by what is going on that things may not get better.  I don’t like sugar-coated words and you speak the truth according to scripture.  It is hard for many people to stomach because they have itching ears, but you just keep obeying God.  I’d rather know the truth.

  7. You are not alone my brother.  Focus fully on Him and His guidance.  Our God is a righteous God and He knows everyone’s hearts.  We just focus on His truth!

  8. Stay the Course Brother! If nothing else, Time will reveal Reality. We just need to remain obedient and faithful to Him. Hard sometimes though…..We’re in “The Oil Press”.

  9. Amen
    Du har desværre ret Stephen Hanson
    endetids tegnene står i kø for at blive opfyldt
    det kan ingen forhindre, men Herren har lovet
    hans folk skal blive frelst
    det er det stærkeste løfte vi har
    Tro & Stol på Gud, så skal du se Hans Kongerige

    [HKP Translation via Google:
    Unfortunately, you are right Stephen Hanson
    end-time characters are queuing up to be met
    no one can prevent it, but the Lord has promised
    his people must be saved
    it is the strongest promise we have
    Believe & trust in God, then you will see His Kingdom