HomeProphecyAmerica! Your Protection Has Been Removed!


America! Your Protection Has Been Removed! — 4 Comments

  1. This word is a confirmation.
    This morning upon awakening I was immediately pondering the event in my life some years back when the Lord brought me to choose, and it was ALL or none. I chose ALL, I chose Him….I chose Life.
    Thus began the journey of walking naked and exposed before Him, but He has truly been my Shield. And although I was stripped of the world’s covering, I’ve been clothed in Christ. Persecuted, tried and tested, but wanting for nothing, a forerunner of what’s to come to this Nation. When it began and I could hear the hell that broke loose within and around me I screamed out for His help, and suddenly all went silent and I heard the voice of God say, “This is for the Nation, We need you to pray.” For years fasting and prayer and STRICT obedience was my daily portion. All comforts (worldly) GONE!!! But I lacked for nothing. He provided at every turn. But when I thought for just a moment that I could (just a little bit) compromise….chastisement…..SEVERE!!
    This is no joke.
    God bless you beautiful lady. :)

    • What an incredible testimony….it blessed me! Thank you, dear sister, for sharing!  You are walking in the crucified life in CHRIST!

  2. Thank you for sharing this message sister,the devil doesn’t want us to hear God’s voice, so we should learn to pray that we should be kept away from the devil’s reach and be protected according to Psalm 91. Praise YAH beloved brethren.

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