America: The Most Disgusting Hypocrisy!
I read in the dictionary [] the definition of hypocrisy:
“A person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs”.
How come it is okay for those talking about Donald Trump being unfit when they themselves are unfit?
How can a nation condone such hypocrisy?
The fact is this nation approves murder of babies! Is it not even greater to commit murder than talking vile?
In no way should anyone excuse vain and evil talk, but, should not those who are guilty of murder of innocent babies [approving it by doing nothing to stop this terrible crime] be silenced by their own sins?
How about approving homosexual lifestyle then turning to accuse a man of being sexual toward the opposite sex?
What makes them think they are excused?
I say, those who point there finger at Donald should consider they themselves voted for homosexuality in America.
It is never accepted to talk ugly and vain ungodliness, but neither is it accepted to kill the unborn and murder real people, and approve inappropriate sexual lifestyles. [even change the definition of marriage.]
The many hypocrites in America right now pointing their finger at Donald Trump need to see the sins of themselves. And, I might add, why will they say it is okay for the Clinton’s to rob and steel [to pad their own pocket book and fund their one evil agenda], tell lies openly, and murder in office [by remaining silent while men died in service to this country]
Is it okay to the American people to see and condone this hypocrisy?
Jesus said: “if one follows a false teacher will they not both fall into the ditch together?”
How can anyone expect anything less than judgment upon a nation who closes it eyes to open sin and murder?
At the same time turning its back on god [the very one who has blessed this land and brought any greatness or prosperity into it].
Something is bad wrong with this country right now that would allow such hypocrisy.
At least… Mr. Donald Trump did confess his sin openly and apologize [stating he had been wrong]. Now we wait for the Clinton’s, and other GOP leaders and Democrats to follow suit [by confessing their sins as well].
We should never forget that the scriptures tell us all, “If you confess your sins, he will be faithful to forgive and cleanse you of them all,” 1 John 9.
This nation must turn and repent of their sins, if it remains blessed! Even as much as it behooves every christian [believer and born again people] to daily confess their sins in order to be fully blessed.
Pray and declare over America that the evil one, the devil is unable to bring down this nation. There will be a knowing and reviving of men and women who are of the truth and speak truth in the face of hypocrisy.
America should be ashamed of their actions.
~ Desert Prophet Ken Dewey
The light will shine in His glory… In the desert.
Evangelist/ Prophet/ Pastor Ken Dewey is the founder of “OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES“ in Belen, New Mexico, USA. He writes on this Web Site, many Prophetic words, Sermons and teachings while leading people into true church settings and preaching in an End Time Gospel Ministry.
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“But as Christians we can’t back down from our responsibility to remain engaged in the politics of our nation. On November 8th we will all have a choice to make” (Franklin Graham)
The Lord has, step by step, led me away from every kind of involving in the world’s “thinking and doing” and I this is the true believers ONLY responsibility – to separate themselves from the ‘natural’ world.
A thinking apart from the mind of Christ (the leading of the Holy Spirit in even the smallest details of one’s life) is deception.
We still live in Satan’s (last) kingdom and all things outside Christ is of Satan’s influence and therefore can one not seek any solution in that ‘kingdom’.
We are still ‘physically’ working and living in the world, but I do never seek any answer, comfort or trust in any human no matter circumstances, God is all and must have our all, and this must be the way for everyone who will overcome this last hour.
Also ‘involvement in elections’ are tests whether one is a servant of God or men.
“Set your affection on things above, NOT on things on the earth Col.3:2
“Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men. 1Cor.7:23
In Favor Of Donald Trump, In full agreement of Righteousness. I support your view points, highly supports the Lord’s laws, which will prevail for the Right President.
Thanks for sharing, to God, be all the Glory !!!!!!!!!