America: The Message of the Hour
Obama isn’t governing by the laws of God or by what you would call morality, but by what he thinks is going by the Constitution in having equal rights.
Some who are “Christians” tend to put their faith in Me above the law of the land in that what they believe should rule over all, but the truth is you do not have the rights of citizenry here. You are just pilgrims passing through. You are citizens of another Kingdom and. because I didn’t exercise or pressure forth My authority here on this earth. when they took Me before the courts, why do you think you can?
Those who are called by My name need to humble themselves. They need to cast off the pride and arrogance and take their place as I did where I did not defend Myself neither did I call on a legion of angels to deliver Me.
I knew My call and that was the cup I was to take. Even though having to take this place of submission to My Father’s will and to take My lot to die a terrible death I had to go to the Garden to put My flesh into submission to My Father’s will.
The hardest thing I could ever do was that part but I not only was dealing with My own flesh nature but for those of whom I died for that they would be able to pick up their cross and follow Me.
You feel you have to do something to exercise the rights of My Kingdom on earth but it isn’t time yet. Your place is only to pray, be silent in most things not rising up in arrogance defending holiness or Me but being wise as serpents and harmless as doves. That is not rising up over any ethnic group or faith that do not know Me.
Do not handle these matters debating your views. Didn’t I say to not cast your pearls before swine? Wait until you have the open door to speak but even then use wisdom not to be ensnared. Yes, the enemy will set snares and will bait you to speak of things that will only bring you great harm.
I give you a Word of caution this day to be still and know that I AM God and that this battle is Mine. If you do things My way by honoring those who are in authority and humbling yourself lifting others over you, I will intervene in a mighty way and bring deliverance. Yes, I will turn the tides and make a way when it appears to be no way.
Keep praying that My will be done and My kingdom come. Keep confessing only what I say and not the plans of the enemy that I will show you. Be the people I called you to be, a Bride with boots on.
Yes, I will make a way where you will prophesy before great leaders. Yes, I will give you the time to speak.
Yes, there is a perfect time for everything but you must do it My way or you can pervert everything.
If you do things My way out of humility and servitude, I will bring forth great grace that will enable you to rise up over the multitudes in power and strength of My right hand. I will give you My favor and also favor before men.
I will set a table before you in the midst of your enemies. I will raise you up like Daniel and Joseph because they were men of low esteem. They did not rebel against My will even in their heart and I blessed them greatly.
When Moses took matters into his own hands, I drove him into the wilderness to prepare him. I need a people I can trust to obey Me. I need a people I can trust with My authority, but most of all I need a people I can trust to release My power through.
All are called but only a few I will be able to flow through the way I plan to, says your God.
~ Yolanda Ballard
Yolanda Ballard of At The Father’s Feet website, shares with you, the body of Christ, the words she’s received quietly sitting at the Father’s feet. I believe Jesus set the example for us to follow. Whenever He could He would come apart from the busyness of the world so that He could quiet Himself before the Father, for that is where He received direction and strength to carry out His will.
This is a beautiful and True Word from God! Thank you for sharing!
Obama is not even ruling according to ‘equal rights’. He is lawless. Also, Christ took victory at the cross and there is a time to stand up and be counted. So called prophets have contradictory and some false messages; such as a tendency toward dominionism, etc. It IS difficult for most of us to determine who are the true prophets.
Please encourage people you know in the Kingdom to care enough, or can get real enough, to vote. You can download the 66 page 2016 Republican platform free of charge. Half of Christians do not even bother to vote: Then they wonder why we have an Islamic president warring against Christianity in the Whitehouse. Wake up the Kingdom this election year!