HomeProphecyAmerica: The Curse Will Be Reversed (Updated)


America: The Curse Will Be Reversed (Updated) — 32 Comments

  1. The Thief Has Been Caught and Must Pay Back Seven Times.

    See, I Have Delivered Jericho Into Your Hands!

    Watch! for the Curse Will Be Reversed and Out of the Belly of the Beast Will Come 7-Fold Recompense and Restoration.

  2. We can celebrate the winning of the battle that President Trump just won, but the war with the devil and his cohorts still rages on. We will have to continue to fight and pray.  Good and ruff times are ahead…….be ready. God is calling for repentance and change. The clock is ticking…..tick tock!

  3. Veronika, that photo of President Trump with his tie hanging loosely around his neck really speaks to me.
    For years now, I have never worn a tie. Wearing a tie around the neck , to me, is a symbol of being in bondage i.e. like a rope around the necks of a people being led into captivity.
    So, this image of DJT is one of a man ( and the nation he is leading ) walking in freedom .

    • Further, on the subject of release from bondage – and tying in to 7th, October, I share this:-
      Between 2000 and 2006 a ministry in the USA carried out some prophetic work. Each year, and at different locations each year, they were led to pour out bowls of water and wine – the water from the right hand signifying blessing and the wine from the left hand signifying judgement/correction.
      The final pouring out i.e. the SEVENTH, took place in BABYLON,NY – 18 years ago – ON THE 7th, OCTOBER, 2006.
      I recall Jesus’ words in one of His confrontations with the Pharisees, ” And shall not this daughter of Abraham who satan has bound THESE 18 YEARS not be LOOSED FROM HER BONDS on the Sabbath Day?”

  4. Church – stay and pray away from the ‘prophetic propaganda’ The Remnant moves in and by fruit of the Spirit. The ‘backslidden’ America slid to the bleeding side of the Savior, in a Landslide win – A new birth of the Church. God’s people are praying w/repentant hearts around the globe and God heard and hears the prayers of the righteous. Pray Church.

  5. Another angle on Trump being the whore Rahab that connects w prophesies that he won’t be able to fix the economy until he embraces the Fear of the LORD.

    DEC 31, 2018-“The LORD Himself will remove the glory of those who refuse to repent of their idolatry and fornication (*not in covenant with Jesus yet enjoying the pleasures He gives), for the Glory of the LORD cannot light upon those who lack the foundational fear of the LORD. For the glory of the LORD must adorn a pure bride.” Then my husband had to publicly shave my long hair and I released the above word and unpacking live on FB. (Now on Youtube @myfatherswitness2855 videos 5 yrs ago, “Dec 31, 2018 prophetic warning and marching orders for next 2 months” … the co-current 52 day juicing water fast I was on connects w current Nehemiah words)

    A woman’s/bride’s glory is symbolically her hair, but if she chooses to pray with her head uncovered (*by His marriage covenant, which is His covenantal law = sabbath and Passover being 2 signs of covenant; also her physical husband not being in covenant), it is as if she were a whore.  The upside is that when a captive is taken as a bride, she must shave her head and pare her nails. So the process of the economy going belly up (glory being removed) and America becoming a captive Bride is both her judgment AND salvation, should she receive it to usher in the Golden Age.

  6. I’m fairly new to the Prophetic Word. It’s only been since 2021 when I was looking any and everywhere for “Answers”. I soon realized that the alternative News creators on YouTube couldn’t explain what we saw November 3rd. It was that ‘vacuum’ from Truth that gave way to my being lead to Amanda Grace. Through Amanda came “His Glory”, which led to Elijah Streams, then Prophet Robin. This was when I realized that God was speaking through His Prophets and secular YT personalities had no idea what God was about to do‼️
    Sometimes I feel like I’m overwhelmed, but that’s just the Enemy wanting to discourage me from staying on track with what the Lord has in store for those that endure to the End‼️ And as I’m strengthened by His Word, I will endure.

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