America: The Curse Will Be Reversed (Updated)
Trump Wins All Seven (7) Swing States — A Sign — “And the Thief shall pay back Seven (7) Times!”
As the news was breaking this morning, “Trump Wins ALL Seven (7) Swing States,” The LORD took me back to this strange yet powerful dream that confirms what has and is unfolding!
It is Incredible that I had this dream on the 7th October 2020 — 7–10–20 — “Perfection – Divine Order – Double Portion”!
America: The Curse Will Be Reversed
First published: October 7, 2020.
A powerful dream concerning The United States of America.
“The curse will be reversed, and out of the belly of the beast will come seven-fold Recompense and Restoration,” says The Spirit of The LORD.
As promised, I would like to share a powerful dream I received on Sunday night, for the purpose of Prayer and Intercession!
Please bare with me, as I endeavour to share exactly what I saw and what I heard, and with the understanding I received as the dream unfolded.
This dream is probably up there with some of the most powerful and yet strangest of dreams I have received to-date!
Let’s begin. I went to bed Sunday night feeling a great sense of burden for the nations, especially for The United States of America.
With the unfolding news on President Trump being diagnosed with COVID-19, I felt such a battle raging in the heavens over the President and his destiny, and certainly for the destiny of the nation.
So as I lay down to sleep, there was a great sense of swirling and whirling in the realm of The Spirit, but as I closed my eyes and began to pray in The Spirit, a deep peace came upon me!
The Thief Has Been Caught and Must Pay Back Seven Times
I must have only been asleep a few hours when I was taken into a powerful dream encounter, where I saw a very large tree standing far in the distance.
As I looked at the tree, I immediately noticed that there was something hanging in the tree, but I could not see with any clarity what it was.
As I started to make my way towards the tree, suddenly I heard these Words, “The thief has been caught and must pay back seven times!”
As those words echoed in the realm of The Spirit, the atmosphere in the dream became heavy and I felt the weight of God’s Glory surround me. The Spirit of The Fear of The LORD became tangible and I began to pray loudly in tongues.
For the Wealth of the Wicked Has Been Stored Up for the Righteous
As I continued to approach the tree in the dream, with my eyes still fixed on the strange thing that was hanging from the tree, again, I heard for a second time, “The thief has been caught and must pay back seven times!”
As I heard those Words, suddenly I saw a bright red rope, (red; symbolic of The Blood of Jesus) and at the end of the red rope hung a very large ‘Piñata…’
As I looked at the red rope and the Piñata, my mind began to race, trying to get an understanding of what I was seeing, but as I drew even closer to the branches of the tree, I saw that the Piñata was in the shape of a very large Donkey and it was made of hard ceramic… (Yes…I know!! Like what? A Piñata? A Donkey?!?!)
But as I looked at the Donkey Piñata, I knew immediately by revelation, that I was about to be shown something significant concerning the political situation that is currently unfolding in The United States of America…. (The Donkey; being symbolic of the Democratic Party)
Now as I looked again at the large Donkey Piñata hanging by a red rope from the branches of the tree, my eyes were immediately drawn to the Donkey’s belly, which was bulging.
As I looked at the massive belly of the Donkey, suddenly I heard these words, “For the wealth of the wicked has been stored up for the righteous.”
Suddenly I felt a great excitement and an anticipation rise up within me in the dream, as I knew that something powerful was about to break loose over the land!
A Riddle!
Then I heard these Words, “Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet”
Ha! As I heard those words, I recognised them immediately and the story of Samson came up before me in the dream… (almost like a vision within the dream, and I saw Samson eating sweet honey out of the carcass of the lion).
As the vision unfolded before me, suddenly I heard the sound of many Trumpets and the ground roundabout me began to tremble, and the tree began to shake and the Donkey Piñata began to move back and forth in the tree.
As I heard the loud sound of the Trumpets, I turned to my right — which was in the direction of the trumpeting sound — and to my amazement, I saw Elephants (symbolic; of The Republican Party).
Yes! Elephants coming towards the tree, and with their trunks lifted high in the air they were Trumpeting loudly as they marched!
See, for I Have Delivered Jericho Into Your Hands!
And as I looked again at the Elephants, I heard these Words, ”See, for I have delivered Jericho into your hands!”
On hearing those Words, my eyes were immediately drawn back to the red/ rope that held the Donkey Piñata in the branches of the tree, and suddenly the story of ‘Rahab, the scarlet cord and the walls of jericho’, was quickened to me.
Then I looked up again at the Elephants that were marching towards the tree, I saw that were seven (7) Elephants in number.
In that moment in the dream, the prophetic significance of the number 7 (covenant, completion and perfection) began to swirl roundabout me and I was made to understand by The Spirit of Revelation, that a powerful spiritual battle was about to unfold before me.
It was a battle, not between flesh and blood, and not between one political party or another, but rather a battle between life and death. A battle for Righteousness and Justice, a battle against the powers of darkness and the principalities of wickedness and witchcraft in the land.
I was about to see powerful satanic strongholds being broken, and demonic thrones being overthrown and overturned!
Watch! for the Curse Will Be Reversed and Out of the Belly of the Beast Will Come 7-Fold Recompense and Restoration.
Now as the seven (7) Elephants came towards the tree, I watched as the first Elephant walked up to the tree to where the large Donkey Piñata was hanging, and I watched as the elephant lifted its trunk high into the air.
As its trunk was lifted, I saw the trunk take on the shape/ form of a beautiful Shofar, and suddenly there came a long and loud Trumpet Blast which was released into the atmosphere.
Then I watched in utter amazement as the trunk/ shofar was brought back down and I saw the Elephant swing its mighty trunk towards the Donkey Piñata, and I watched as its trunk hit the Piñata with great force.
Suddenly I heard a loud sound of cracking coming from deep within the bulging belly of the Donkey, and I saw small cracks begin to appear in the ceramic. Then I watched as all seven (7) Elephants began to march around the large tree, leaving the Donkey Piñata swinging violently back and forth, and back and forth in the tree.
Then I watched as a second Elephant then stepped up to the Donkey Piñata and it lifted its huge trunk, which also took on the form of a beautiful Shofar, and I listened, as yet again another long and loud Trumpet Blast went forth over the land, and then the Elephant brought its trunk back down again, and swinging it with great force, I watched as the Donkey Piñata took another heavy blow, causing even deeper cracks to appear in the Piñata,…..Now at this point in the dream my eyes became fixed on the heavy bulging belly of the Donkey, which looked like it would break wide open at any moment.
But as I watched and waited intently with great anticipation for what I knew was about to take place, again I saw the Elephants begin to march round the tree for a second time.
And then they stopped, and a third Elephant stood before the Donkey Piñata and the same thing happened as it did with the first and the second Elephant.
The third Elephant lifted its long and strong trunk into the air and the sound of a loud Trumpet Blast was released again over the land. Then I watched as its trunk came down upon the Donkey Piñata with great power and perfect precision, hitting the bulging belly of the Donkey.
I could hear a rumbling sound coming from deep within the belly of the Donkey, and suddenly, I heard these words, “Watch! For the curse will be reversed and out of the belly of the beast will come 7-fold Recompense and Restoration!”
As those words deeply penetrated my inner most being, I knew by The Spirit of Revelation that the curse of death through abortion that was over the nation was about to be broken!
And, as an even greater expectation and anticipation of breakthrough filled the atmosphere in the dream, I watched again as the seven (7) mighty Elephants marched around the tree for a third time.
Again, I saw the elephants stop and a fourth Elephant stood before the tree and the hanging Piñata, and I watched as the Elephant lifted its trunk into the air, and a loud and powerful Trumpet Blast went forth across the land.
Then I saw its trunk coming down upon the Piñata Donkey and the sound of cracking and more cracking took place!
I saw that ‘the curse of death’ through abortion was what was preventing a great wealth transfer!
Now, as I continued to watch this incredible dream unfold before me, I saw the seven (7) Elephants march yet again around the tree for a forth time, and then a fifth Elephant took its place before the swinging Piñata and as it lifted its trunk, a loud Trumpet Blast was sounded.
Then I saw its trunk being used like a mighty battering ram to break open the Donkey Piñata.
As I watched and listened intently to all that was unfolding before me, I was made to understand by The Spirit of Revelation that within the belly of the Donkey, there was great wealth, riches and blessings which were being stored up for The righteous for such a time as this.
But I saw that the curse of death through abortion was what was preventing a great wealth transfer being released over the nation(s), but at the sound of the Seven (7) Trumpets (symbolic; seven (7) Trumpet Blasts: a call to repentance) being released over the land, the curse would be broken and the mighty strongholds of death and destruction that were ruling over the nation would come crashing down.
As this Revelation began filling my heart and mind, and as I was gaining a greater understanding of what I was being shown in the dream, I watched as the seven (7) Elephants matched again around the tree, for a fifth time.
And then a sixth Elephant stood before the Piñata, which was now covered in deep cracks, and scattered across the ground lay big pieces of broken ceramic, and the bulging belly of the Donkey looked as if it would surely give way at any moment.
Again I watched as the sixth Elephant lifted its trunk and a powerful sixth blast of a Trumpet sound was released into the atmosphere, and then the trunk of the Elephant was swung down upon the Donkey Piñata causing the head of the Donkey to break.
As I saw and heard the sound of breaking, my excitement and anticipation became almost unbearable in the dream, as I knew that the power of the curse over the land was about to be broken and that a great transfer of wealth and blessings that had been stored up and held back in the belly of the beast would suddenly be poured out upon the land.
Then I saw the Elephants once again march around the tree for a sixth time, and then the seventh Elephant took its place before the tree and just like before.
I watched as the seventh Elephant lifted its trunk high into the air, and with its trunk taking on the form of a beautiful Shofar, I listened as a long and loud seventh Trumpet Blast was released over the nation.
But I watched, as after the Seventh Trumpet Blast went forth, the Elephant’s trunk stayed lifted high in the air and all the Elephants began to march around the tree.
Seven times they marched around the tree, and then I saw them stop, and I watched as all seven (7) Elephants surrounded the Donkey Piñata.
Suddenly, I saw all seven trunks being lifted high into the air, and like one mighty wreaking ball of steel, the seven trunks of the seven Elephants came crashing down upon the Donkey, and I watched as the thick ceramic under belly of the Donkey Piñata was smashed wide open!
Change is Coming! Change is Coming! Change is Coming.
Then suddenly, like a mighty rushing river, I saw solid gold coins come gushing forth from within the bulging belly of the Donkey, and as I looked at the torrent of gold coins fall to the ground, I heard these Words, ”Change is coming! Change is coming! Change is coming!”
Three (3) times, I heard those words…
As I looked at the river of solid gold coins which was now flowing forth upon the land, suddenly my eyes were drawn to one of the solid gold coins and I clearly saw the face of President Abraham Lincoln upon the gold coin, and the words, ”In God we trust” and “Liberty”, were engraved upon the gold coin.
As I looked and looked again at the gold coin, suddenly the face of President Donald J. Trump appeared upon the gold coin and the words…”In God we stand” and “Victory” were written upon the gold coin.
And as I looked at the gold coins which were still gushing forth from the belly of the Donkey, again, I heard these words, “For the curse will be reversed and out of the belly of the beast will come seven-fold recompense and restoration!”
Suddenly I woke up from the dream, I grabbed my journal which was beside my bed, and began to write down all I had seen and heard in the dream!
For the sake of space, I will share more prophetic insights and further interpretation concerning certain aspects of this strange but significant dream in another post!
Please see also this link to the HKP Word dated June 23, 2020, a powerful word I shared recently,
America: President Trump — a Rahab for This Hour!
The Holy Spirit whispered to me, “I have given the nation of America a Rahab in President Trump in this hour!”
In the early hours of this morning my phone pinged and I saw this picture of American President Donald J Trump come up on my news-feed and immediately I heard The Spirit say, “My Truth, Righteousness, Unity, Mercy and Peace will triumph in this nation!”
As those words echoed in my spirit, I saw an Archangel of The LORD walking beside President Trump and a blazing sword of Fire was lifted over his head and I knew by The Spirit that The Spirit of The LORD was upon him.
The red tie around his neck was immediately highlighted to me and then the story of Rahab came up before me.. where Rahab tied a line of scarlet thread in the window through which the spies had been lowered from.
Immediately The Holy Spirit quickened to me the Hebrew word ‘tikva’ which means…”cord, hope, expectation, things hoped for, outcome.”
The scarlet cord represents the “Lamb’s Blood”.
As I began to pray, The LORD then showed me the walls of Jericho and how The LORD gave Jericho into the hands of His righteous remnant.
And it was through the willingness and obedience of Rahab, that when the walls of Jericho came tumbling down… God’s people were saved…!
The Holy Spirit then whispered to me, “I have given the nation of America a Rahab in President Trump in this hour.
And because of his willingness and his obedience to My Call, when the walls of wickedness are dismantled and when the walls of division come crashing down, I shall deliver My Righteous Remnant from destruction.
Watch! For My Kingdom purposes through this President shall Trump the plans of the enemy in the days ahead!”
(Patrick Semansky/AP)
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
‘the curse of death’ through abortion preventing a great wealth transfer has been removed today! Praise Jesus!!!
In England we call the china animals – piggy banks, where the children save up all their money like treasure. I felt the Lord say, as I read this, that the Donkey had swallowed all the treasure and power it could to try and keep it safe, but, as with children when the time comes to open it, they bang the china piggy bank until it breaks and all the coins come out. How absolutely wonderful to hear this amazing Word. As we watch and pray with you America, we long to see your prayers answered and your true President back in the White House. As we approach the festivals of Purim and Passover, we know that we know that deliverance is nigh! Praise His Holy Name!
Awesome, thank you for sharing!!
More horns to come as well…The freedom truckers in Canada honking their horns!
The number 7 is also the biblical number for”Father/Faith/Perfection/Maturity/The kingdom of heaven/7 church ⛪️ age’s/7dispensations/7”seals”/7”trumpets”/7 Bowls or vials”…
Praise The Lord!!
ian Q girl FREEDOM,,, Hallelujah,,,if God be for us who can be against us praise Yahweh
This is such an amazing vision. I thank God for you that He trusts you so much to reveal this prophecy through you. This should bring great hope to the people of America that God is with them and that they are on the winning side. Amen.
Thank you we been saying the end is near
This is amazing that the LORD of Glory brought this back to you now! In itself, it is an awesome and exciting prophecy from the LORD! It is also a culmination of several prophetic words, dreams, and visions of several prophets in the United States (Jim Stockstill & others (re: we are marching around Jericho to see the walls fall (approx. pre/post election 2020); Dutch Sheets (God spoke to him a while back by sending multiple people to him with bags of change to say, “Change is coming”); Robin D. Bullock (Eleventh Hour on June 8, 2021 – that the red sea (Republicans)that parted on Jan. 6, 2021 (the party did severely break in to clear factions) is about to come back together and drown the enemy); Amanda Grace/Ark of Grace (explaining that when the Lord prophesies something afar off, He will sometimes say it again just before the event is to take place, & June will be an explosive month). I also have felt personally that that LORD told me in April 2021 that significant events would be taking place in June 2021.
Looking forward to see all in this dream come forth . It is beginning even NOW!
Prayer against evil systems in America
Prophetic Word for 2019-2020 by Ken…
God, we thank You for what you are doing, what You have done, and what you’re going to do. We thank You Holy Spirit, we adore your presence, we love You Holy Jesus.
We decree that God is turning the page on delay in our lives. There is a New Beginning that God has been preparing the way for into our New Season opening up in our lives.
It is a New page, a New era, we release it right now, by Your Spirit.
Thank You for this New era, we thank You for this vision You are releasing right now.
Lord, we pray Holy Spirit, that you would release right now, impartation for eyes to see and ears to hear.
Unprecedented encounters with You Lord.
We decree a sovereign rapid keys of strategy for restoration and soteria.
Nothing can stand against Your plans or purposes.
Thank You we are seated in heavenly places.
Together we say YES to YOUR plans
Your brother in Christ,
Ken Meadows
Isaiah 43:18-19; 21
Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness AND rivers in the desert
This people I have formed for Myself; They shall declare My praise.
Acts 2:17-19
And it shall come to pass in the last days,
says God,
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on my maidservants and on my menservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy
I will show wonders in heaven above And signs in the earth beneath:
Blood and fire and vapor of smoke