HomeProphecyAmerica: The Curse Will Be Reversed (Updated)


America: The Curse Will Be Reversed (Updated) — 32 Comments

  1. I Prophesy, The Thief Has Been Caught and Must Pay Back Seven Times.

    Whistleblowers will arise that cannot be silenced.

  2. I believe the Lord sent President Trump to clean up the evil and wicked in Washington DC. I also believe that the President appointed Judges to the Supreme Court that are against abortions so this horrible practice can be abolished. The Lord sent The President to do a job and that job is not finished. I pray that the Lord will show us the truth of this election. Lord we love You and believe in You. You are our only hope. In Jesus Name Amen

  3. Am so excited to see Gods Glory,in this election,there are great things happening,I have a quickening in my spirit!Praise God for His mercy.Am praying!

  4. I appreciate you giving us this report. Is Trump still going to win this election?? I believe he is as God has been telling us all along.

  5. We need to be praying today like never before, for our president and for our nation. There is a huge battle going on and we need to stand on the Lords side.

  6. The democratic party has set itself against God for about 60 years and in that time it has kept the American people captive to an ever growing hostility to him. This hostility has now swelled (like the belly of the donkey piñata). I believe the American people through President Trump and the Republican party are about to smash that hostility and return to the one who gives true life. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  7. Breaking open a piñata requires that it is struck a sufficient number of times.  This reminds me of Elisha’s prophetic instructions to King Joash (in 2 Kings 13) to pick up the arrows to strike the ground.  Sadly, Joash half-heartedly chose to stop at three strikes, falling short of the five or six that would have guaranteed full victory.

    First, I would say that the Lord has raised up in the person of Donald Trump a king who by nature will strike the ground seven times or more. He will do his full part.

    Second, the intercessors need to do theirs.  The account of Elisha and Joash also serves as an admonition against praying for anything short of full victory. This ties in with Veronika’s immediately following message, “America: Watch and Pray for SCOTUS & The US Senate!” Coincidentally, the image of arrows appears here too with two arrows representing a two pronged attack by the enemy. May the intercessors hit the ground with much more!

  8. Oh my sister… your dreams are very very outstanding. Not long ago you had this dream about that heavily shaking tree, surrounded and overflown by a mighty eagle, snakes were falling out, and later: Dancing and worshipping saints around the tree. After this you had the vision of the Tree of Life, and now this dream. Behold, it is written trees in the Holy Scriptures. Trees even clap their hands in joy of the LORD. Nature is witnessing good and evil. All nature, all creatures are waiting for the great deliverance, while we are waiting for the loudest trumpet of all trumpets :-)


    The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the Righteous
    Will soon become more than a ditty
    There’ll soon be a Flow a Big Green Light Go
    Of wealth into the coffers of the Holy City
    It won’t come by begging but by Wise Virgins Sowing
    At the Behest of their Lover True
    Who Will Leap and Rejoice as they follow His Voice
    And look through His Eyes for what to do

  10. Amazing. Especially after the Sept 26 gathering in Washington DC, “The Return”. (Shabbat Shavua – The Sabbath between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is called Shabbat Shuvah, Shabbat of Return.  Jonathan Cahn led the gathering in repentance and the 7 shofars were sounded. Many of the speakers and leaders repented for the nation’s sins especially of abortion.  The new Supreme Court nominee was also announced on that day.  Prophecies were given that Roe v. Wade would be overturned. President Trump sent a letter honoring the gathering and saying that he and The First Lady would be praying to their Lord and Savior too. After severe attacks from the spirits of witchcraft and dark principalities after his declaration that day, he recovered miraculously from Covid-19 in 3 days, from Friday to Sunday. Let God be true, and every man a liar. Amen, let it be!

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