HomeProphecyAmerica, Set as a Signet Ring Nation (Part 2)


America, Set as a Signet Ring Nation (Part 2) — 16 Comments

  1. Thank you, Veronica – this is such a powerful word and resonates strongly with what the Lord has said through my husband.  I had looked up where “nailing your colours to the mast” originated but hadn’t seen the glorious picture of our mighty Saviour nailed to the cross.  So amazing and I am stuck for words!

  2. Amen. God showed me President Trump walking in the Whitehouse hall to the outside balcony on a red carpet holding his Bible in his hand Calling out One nation under God after a fears battle. Know for sure my assignment from the beginning when God said as a prophet to cover Pres Trump and the end time prophets in prayer daily and to bring the end time prophets like us all the words spoken and written in front of God in the Courtroom of heavens by faith and documented it daily. Your words are presented with the others daily by faith before my Fathers Face to remind Him of His words spoken over the Nation of the world and it will come to pass as I remind Him of ourcwords spoken!

  3. Veronika, I thank Almighty God for you, Prophet of GOD for sharing with us how we are to progress forward.  First REPENTANCE, turning from our wicked ways, seeking GOD by PRAYING.  Prodigals turning and returning to the LORD. Praise the LORD.

  4. This is an amazing word Veronica! I thank the Lord and you for it. The whole time as I was reading this, I kept thinking and it kept coming back to me, Jonah. He was thrown overboard to lighten the ship and also in the new testament he was a type of Christ. I am just throwing out there everything that is coming to me, not really knowing if any or all ties into this word?

  5. Thx for sharing, I believe thus spiritual battle will go on to mid january 2023. Amerika will.have to endure a lot. Do not be discouraged, God will train us for the antichrist times. God wil set us free. We have to do focus target repentace prayer warfare. There wil be another great spiritual move of God but first we have to difficult times

  6. לֹא אִישׁ אֵל וִֽיכַזֵּב וּבֶן־אָדָם וְיִתְנֶחָם

    “God is not a man that he would lie or a human being that he would repent…” (Numbers 23:19)…

    Balaam –even Balaam– knew this truth 101 about the Almighty and his power to perform his plan exactly as he planned at the begining according to the counsel of his own will and with no chance for failure at all. So, would he now, at the very end of this age, when his plan for his people and for the entire world is about to be fulfilled, would he now –I say– change his manners, going around there saying “I’m sorry”?

    • You are absolutely right, that God does not repent or apologize to human beings. However, I understood this quite differently. Saying “sorry” does not necessarily mean apologizing. It expresses sorrow over circumstances. People say “sorry” all of the time–meaning “I feel so bad for you that this had to happen this way.”

  7. WOW WOW WOW WOW What a POWERFUL UNDERSTANDING and Yes, Veronika we thank God for you and your heart to hear so clearly and in detail and send it forth with such diligence. Blessings and honor. Sandi Holman

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