America: Possess Your Destiny Portal
Not only are we in a moment of house cleaning in America, we are in a serious moment of major exposure of the enemies tactics and plans.
The LORD spoke, “Tell the people, the enemy doesn’t have any new tricks, but he has patterns, and I AM opening up the eyes of My People to see the patterns and the repetitions in every area of Warfare.
Before his current plan develops, I AM exposing it to the light.
Yes, I am revealing what has been hidden.
I AM inviting The Church around the globe into a time of reset.
I AM introducing new expressions and new themes that will send new messages of what is on My Heart in these hours of clashing of the swords that keep division in the headlines.
My silent Remnant who have only been seeking Me and not pushing on doors to move forward are being washed in the water of a fresh word and branded with my heartbeat that will shake the earth and bring it back to My heart.
My Heart has grieved for those who have been floundering in the darkness with no direction.
My Holy Forerunners, My set-aside ones, shall rise to this occasion as I call them out of hiding to use them as mighty warriors to overturn wickedness and darkness in secret places that will grab the attention of The Nations of the world.
It is the moment when those who said the were stuck shall discover they were not stuck, but set on hold until their time of commissioning had come.
They shall move at My Command to be Forerunners, ushering in the greatest Harvest around the whole earth.
The enemy brought division and hopelessness, but I AM opening a new gate named “GATE OF ENCOURAGEMENT” for those who hope was deferred, who gave in to hopelessness, and despair to enter in and receive a new fresh infilling of courage for today, hope for tomorrow, and direction for their end-time assignment,” says The LORD.
“As you pass through The Gate of Encouragement, you will enter The Portal of Destiny.
Just as those who fought for the right to Abortions, and joined the army against life and set out to abort the destiny of America shall be brought down, so shall The Remnant who took a firm stand in the battle for life be nailed in place and they shall not be moved,” says The Spirit of The Living God.
“The changes that have been prophesied are in action.
Be ready to step into your place for changes are coming suddenly.
You are beginning to enter into new alignments, new assignments and coming into the place you have only talked about as if it were in the ‘sweet by and by’ as they say, but the time is upon you to ‘make yourself ready’ to arise and shine in your new day of opportunity,” says The Father God.
Image ©Pixabay
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Sandy, such Wholesome Words. Thank you for your faithful obedience to bring God’s Words to help us into our Destiny and for that of the Nation(s).
My respect, love and blessings to you and your family.
Jennifer, you are so welcome. It is my call to obey and It is my joy to answer the call as a prophet, I am grateful for you respect, love and blessings, I receive your kind words with a humble heart..God has been so so good to me! xoxo Sandi
Sharing this with dear comrades in arms. Very special for exactly such a time of this, our God’s great hour in history. Thank you, Creator, Savior, and our King of Kings. Thank you, sister Sandi.
Arlen, it is good to hear from you. Thank you for sharing. It surely is God’s great hour in history. We are blessed to be a part of such an amazing time and especially to be on the cusp of the greatest show on earth as our King takes over with the outpouring of His love. In His love and service, Sandi
So be it, dear Sis! Indeed, two in agreement. Bless you, Sandi
My Holy Forerunners, My set-aside ones, shall rise to this occasion as I call them out of hiding to use them as mighty warriors to overturn wickedness and darkness in secret places that will grab the attention of The Nations of the world.
It is the moment when those who said the were stuck shall discover they were not stuck, but set on hold until their time of commissioning had come.
They shall move at My Command to be Forerunners, ushering in the greatest Harvest around the whole earth.
The enemy brought division and hopelessness, but I AM opening a new gate named “GATE OF ENCOURAGEMENT” for those who hope was deferred, who gave in to hopelessness, and despair to enter in and receive a new fresh infilling of courage for today, hope for tomorrow, and direction for their end-time assignment,” says The LORD.
“As you pass through The Gate of Encouragement, you will enter The Portal of Destiny.
Just as those who fought for the right to Abortions, and joined the army against life and set out to abort the destiny of America shall be brought down, so shall The Remnant who took a firm stand in the battle for life be nailed in place and they shall not be moved,” says The Spirit of The Living God.
This descrioption fits totally for our life and what has been prophesied to us!….Music in my ears this morning!!
Dear Dorothea, I am so happy that God’s word regarding destiny is not just for Americans but for the nations as well. I love that it was music to your ears! Enter through the gate of Encouragement, dear one, for you have been one faithful who has taken a stand and never been moved for God is saying great is your shall not be moved. Thank you for your faithfulness and love of God, my sister. In His Love, Sandi