HomeProphecyAmerica is Now Going Through the Eye of a Needle!


America is Now Going Through the Eye of a Needle! — 4 Comments

  1. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!  I stand with you Veronica and everyone that is on this thread!  I know the enemy is on the warpath but he has no power over the Blood of Jesus which I plead for Trump and his family, me and my family and the whole bride of Christ here on this earth!  Lord just let us all be good stewards at this time with the power you have given us!  God bless you Veronica and thank you!

  2. I just feel led to declare over and over, that President-elect Trump SHALL BE inaugurated, in the Name of Jesus.

    “Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the LORD. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?” says your God.”  Isaiah 66:9

  3. LORD LET YOUR KINGDOM COME!!  I DECREE ‘ISAIAH 9:6.7- “OF the greatness of HIS government and peace there will be NO end. HE will reign on David’s throne and over ‘HIS KINGDOM establishing and upholding it with ‘JUSTICE and ‘RIGHTEOUSNESS from that time on and FOREVER.  The ZEAL of the LORD ALMIGHTY WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS!” LORD GOD HAVE YOUR WAY ON EARTH AS IT IS HEAVEN‼️☝️

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