HomeProphecyAmerica: Alert: Flooding of Wisconsin and the Church


America: Alert: Flooding of Wisconsin and the Church — 10 Comments

  1. O LORD i bessech YOU, let the flood in this dream in Wisconsin be turned to your DIVINE FLOOD of PEACE, UNITY, RESTORATION, MORE GRACE, HEALINGS etc in USA. LORD, let this divine flood remove every stain on your church, individuals in America & the whole world.  LORD, let your divine flood destroy the spirit of witchcrafts (seeking of mediums), idolatry, & all other sins that has held us captive. LORD, I pray you preserve our souls, show us your MERCY & deliver us all from any kind of destructive flood in Jesus Christ name. God bless you Apst. Awagah

  2. Deep dreams, I believe the Spirit of the Lord gave you, with much wisdom and discernment in interpretation. It sure resonated with my spirit. Interceding…

    • @ Jacob As I was asleep in my bedroom last night, a vision from the Lord awakened me.
      It was of a woman under water but she had ‘goggles’ on. There was beads of water on the inside of the goggles.
      As I awoke I went to my guest bedroom to finish my sleep. At that time, I felt led to look at HKP postings.
      My eyes fell on your post, sir. That is when I read it and made my first comment. Somehow I feel it may tie in with what you are seeing?? Definitely to pray over. God bless you.

      • Mama Joyce {:-)

        Thanks for your kind comments. They are pure and holy.

        Your vision is DEFINITELY tied in with what THE LORD has shown me. For we are “joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of The Body for the edifying of itself in Love [GOD. GOD is Love].” Ephesians 4:16.

        The woman in your vision is The Church. The water is the world and the enemy’s deceptions therein. The goggles represent discernment. The beads of water in the goggles symbolise beads of deception blurring and blinding the sight/discernment of The Church.

        …continued below…

        • Our LORD put It so insightfully: “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matthew 6:22‭-‬23.

          Soo much of the eye/light (understanding/wisdom) in The Church is darkness – the wisdom of the world. (The wisdom of the world is the will of the devil. Anything done that is not The Will of THE FATHER, is the will of the enemy; and it leads to destruction: Matthew 7:21 – 23).

          We need to see well to walk well – in The Right Way.

          Yet much of The Church is EXCEEDINGLY blinded by darkness at the moment because of pursuing selfish ambitions (own plans and programmes, etc. contrary to Philippians 2:1 -2).

          THE LORD bless you for interceding.

          Let’s do it, my dear sister. {:-)


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