America: A Warning to Church Persecutors!
God Is Getting Ready to Knock Some Persecutors of the Church Off of Their High Horses!
When I prayed this morning for Brett Kavanaugh, God showed me to pray for a moment like when Stephen was being stoned and the Glory of God came on him.
My mother and I agreed in prayer for this to happen.
The Persecution of Stephen
“But one day some of the men from the Jewish cult of “The Freedmen” started an argument with him, and they were soon joined by Jews from Cyrene, Alexandria in Egypt, and the Turkish provinces of Cilicia, and Asia Minor. But none of them was able to stand against Stephen’s wisdom and spirit. So they brought in some men to lie about him, claiming they had heard Stephen curse Moses, and even God.
This accusation roused the crowds to fury against Stephen, and the Jewish leaders arrested him and brought him before the Council. The lying witnesses testified again that Stephen was constantly speaking against the Temple and against the laws of Moses. They declared, “We have heard him say that this fellow Jesus of Nazareth will destroy the Temple and throw out all of Moses’ laws.” At this point everyone in the Council chamber saw Stephen’s face become as radiant as an angel’s!” Acts 6:9-15.
Then after HE spoke at length about Jesus, this is what happened….
Stung to Fury
“The Jewish leaders were stung to fury by Stephen’s accusation and ground their teeth in rage. But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed steadily upward into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at God’s right hand. And he told them, “Look, I see the heavens opened and Jesus the Messiah standing beside God, at his right hand!” Then they mobbed him, putting their hands over their ears, and drowning out his voice with their shouts, and dragged him out of the city to stone him. The official witnesses — the executioners — took off their coats and laid them at the feet of a young man named Paul. And as the murderous stones came hurtling at him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And he fell to his knees, shouting, “Lord, don’t charge them with this sin!” and with that, he died” Acts 7:54-60.
The Parallel
This was on such a par with what happened today in the Senate, of the United States of America.
I believe that God showed forth His glory today on Brett Kavanaugh as he did on Stephen when he said that his daughter prayed for the woman accuser, God’s glory came on Him that very minute and now, I believe that God is standing up for him as he stood for Stephen!
After this the Saul of Tarsus went crazy and began to persecute the church because he thought that he was doing God a service.
I believe we are going to see persecution begin to arise right now exactly like that but God met Saul on his way to Damascus because the church was praying and knocked him off of his high horse!
God is getting ready to knock some of the persecutors of the church off of their high horses if we will pray!
The Church must arise and pray for these persecutors!
God is going to meet them on their way to persecute his people with the light of His glory if we will!
Get ready for these people to begin to have encounters with the Lord of Hosts!
Yes pray, pray like you never have before!
This could mean the lives of millions of unborn babies in the future.
I hear The LORD saying, “You have been given the authority in the earth, Church! It is time to step up and take it!!”
~ by Jo Ellen Stevens
Arise Shine!
Jo Ellen Stevens of TCIC Ministries is a Prophetic speaker, author, worshiper and intercessor. She has ministered with her husband for 23 years and was a worship leader at the Assembly of God for many years. She is an ordained minister (Restoration Ministries) and works with Restoration Ministries in their Ministry Rooms doing prophetic worship with her husband. She has taught many bible studies and have led many intercessory prayer groups.