HomeProphecyAll Roads Lead to Rome!


All Roads Lead to Rome! — 38 Comments

  1. 1. Catholics claim CHURCH refers to Roman Catholic Church. BIBLE says CHURCH refers to all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1, Mat 16:18. HISTORY tells us Roman Church was just one local Church a member of the Pentarchy.
    2. Catholics claim Roman Church was the CHURCH CHRIST founded (First Church) or one true church. BIBLE says First Local Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not Roman Catholic Church.
    3. Catholics claim there is only One Church. BIBLE mentions both CHURCH and Churches.
    4. “CHURCH” refers to the Body of Christ Eph 5:30, Col 1:18 consisting of all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1 Mat 16:18.
    5. “Churches” refers to local churches Acts 9:31, Acts 15:41 and believers Romans 16:5, 1 Cor 16:19,
    6. Catholics claim Pope is the head of the CHURCH. BIBLE says JESUS is the HEAD OF THE CHURCH. Eph 1:22, Eph 5:23, Col 1:18.
    7. Catholics claim outside Roman Church there is NO SALVATION. BIBLE says “apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11.
    8. Catholics claim submit to Roman Pontiff to be saved. BIBLE says “apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11.
    9. Catholics claim devote to Mary to be saved. BIBLE says “apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11.
    Background readings:
    1. Bible (KJV) – https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/

  2. The Jesuits were established to counter the charges made by Luther, Calvin, Knox, etc. All true reformers called the Pope’s antichrist. Indulgences, purgatory, Mary is the Mother of God, Inquisitions, etc are a few of the traditions of men that were added over the centuries. Jesus said there was one thing that could nullify the power of God in men’s lives , the traditions of men.There were 3 great killing machines

  3. Before the church was established at Rome,they had considered Lyons, Fr.  That was the the problem. Lyons had let idolatry into their worship.  The Pope’s Dagon mitre, for example, is from the same demon worship of the philistines and it’s temple brought down by the Sampson.  That could be corrected, but the real problem is that the church has accepted writings as if they were prophesy.  The big one, of course, is that we need to drink blood for communionn. Everything there is was created by the Word of God. The Word is Christ and he is the substance of all things.  When he lifted the cup of new wine he said “This is my blood.”  Scripture is very precise on these things.  The idolatry at Lyons might have required drinking the blood of sacrifice (Herod mingled the blood of the saints in his sacrifice,) but Jesus was clear that he was the creator and the substance of all things.  He wouldn’t want the wine (new wine is wine that has recently been “quicked” in new life) turned into human blood.  That’s the kind of mistake you get when you add the writings of false prophets to the word.  I’m sure the Lord sees and understands the hearts of all believers and forgives us as we have faith to believe his freely given forgiveness. Now, if a poor soul were to doubt the security of that forgiveness because they failed to go to confession…well, the poor soul hasn’t accepted her forgiveness at all!  The writings of men have robbed her of her faith.  False prophets must answer for the damage done.  As for a female pope, Jesus shows us that Mary of Bethany desired the GOOD part, and it would not be denied her.  I emphasized GOOD because this means she would receive the multiportioned measure of faith.  Christ would be fully formed in her and she would become a SON OF GOD. I can tell you that God said to me that one ought not to do this.
    Best to stick to the Bible.  I like KJV, but the old English is easy for me. And if you want to look things up, KJV matches Strong’s Concordance.  Maybe NIV?


    • Oops.  That last part was wrong.  God said that “one ought not” to bind the traditions and laws of men to the Word of God.  I didnt mean it to say it was wrong for a woman to receive the good part, obviously, Jesus was going to give this to Mary of Bethany.  This would be like Abraham.  I guess she could be the leader of the church?

  4. I can’t wait to see what the archaeological find is.  I keep watching for it.  I think it may be what brings the vatican down.

  5. The dig and what is buried will be about the kidnapped and abused children I am sure.

  6. So far, Mark has been 1000 % correct !!!

    Join one of the prayer groups in your state. Or start one!!

    • Indeed, our prayers are necessary to interrupt the fall on this nation.  But Mark has been wrong in the past.  He is a teacher, not a prophet.  Jesus wept overThe fall of Israel.  The teachings of the pharisees and the Doctors of the law were WRONGLY accepted as the word of God.  The voice of God in prophecy is a clear audible voice.  He breathes those words into an ear and they can be repeated precisely. This so-called prophesy isnt prophesy at all…and it’s very dangerous.

  7. Thank you Mark for saying YES TO THE LORD AND ANSWERING HIS CALL!

    I have known (which cannot be explained)that a YUGE happening with the CC was coming.  You have confirmed this for me and it has allowed me to live in such peace and contentment, I cannot even describe.

    I too believe the Lord has had His fill with ALL THE CHURCHES not doing the work for the Kingdom and it couldn’t be more timely.

    Again, Thank you and May God continue to Bless and Guide you to help all His children,
    Jeanne Marie

  8. I am Catholic and I don’t attend church for the priests but for God and the Lord Jesus. It’s my time to dedicate to God for an hour in my busy week. As for the Vatican, I believe that we may see a female Pope in the future. If this is so, many might walk away from the Catholic faith. I would welcome a female Pope, and I desperately would like the Lord to clear away all those corrupt priests. Amen.

    • there will never be a female pope. the pope is the Antichrist MAN of sin SON of perdition. a female would not fit that description. get out of the catholic sun cult while you still can.

  9. I had a huge supernatural conversion back to Catholicism just days before the installation of Pope Francis-I clearly heard That God needed foot soldiers for HIS church….I have been studying and teaching the Apostolic faith – now it is clear to me WHY this happened. Just like the deep state in the American goverment is all being revealed to clean it up…the same thing is happening in the Catholic Church – the decades old infiltration to take down the church is being revealed clearly! Viva Cristo Rey!

    • Janet, catholicism is the whore/harlot/MOTHER sun cult of revelation. the pope is the Antichrist. get out while you can. the catholic harlot is NOT the church of Christ.

    • The word Catholic means the church. Many churches but few true parts of God’s Church. All claim to be or be part of the church.Study history and there were many church’s formed by Paul. Most apostles focused on the Original Church in Israel. All assisted Paul in spreading the Gospel to the non Jews. As Israel fell many Christians joined non Jews churches.  Paul had set up many churches throughout Asia Minor. Rome was just one yet claimed over time to be the only Church, claiming other Christians apostate. In truth there is only One Church in the world, spread throughout the world.The True Church consists of born again people whose spirit men have recreated spirit, who follow Jesus, Who sits on His Throne in Heaven, not on a seat in Rome with humans who claim to rule in Jesus stead. Martin Luther wanted to reform the Roman church but was forced to leave and formed Another church along with surviving Etheopian, Greek, an other churches.