Stephen Hanson — Realistic Paintings
A selection of books by Stephen A. Hanson available on Amazon.
A Testimony: A Personal Testimony (2006)
My Testimony — Life as a Christian (updated & expanded 2019)
Newest 200 First
- Inheritances: for Those who Stood and Waited….
- Rise and Find that Ark of Safety
- From East and West, a New Breed of People are Coming!
- The Journey or the Destination?
- The Dominoes will begin to FALL…
- I will put all your Enemies to Flight!
- Who shall be able to Stand on that Day?
- Each Soul
- I Have Said, “I Will Shake the Heavens and the Earth”
- Seek First HIS Kingdom and HIS Righteousness!
- Do YOU have Shelter from the Storm?
- The Fountains of the Deep
- I will Alert you to these things Ahead of Time!
- The US Dollar will LOSE ITS VALUE…
- Prophesying out of One’s Own Understanding
- Many are the Afflictions of the Righteous…
- Who is the Man or Woman who would Sit before ME and Listen?
- The Walking Dead, or Walking in the Spirit of Life
- You were Made for a Time such as This!
- Faith and Imagination
- You are to Live Above the Events of this World…
- By the Waters at Cherith I WILL Feed You…
- From Where Does TROUBLE Come?
- The Wealth of the Wicked will Fall into My People’s Hands!
- Soon, You will Know Indeed, these things are TRUE!
- Strange and Unusual Teachings
- I have set You in Heavenly Places!
- I Can Resurrect Those Dreams!
- For you are upon the Threshold of Those Days NOW!
- It’s Better to go to the House of Mourning
- Topics of Concern, or Not…
- Mercy Triumphs over Judgment
- Get Ready, says the Lord!
- How can we know a Vision is of GOD or what it Means?
- Vision Warning to those in the USA
- See the Blessings and not just the Dangers Ahead!
- And there were Giants in the Earth… and there still are!
- Signs
- Warning and Hope
- How many of MY Prophets have been Joined with Other Ones?
- Do we Treat the PROPHETIC GIFT like Candy?
- What kind of JESUS are you looking for?
- Every Line & Mark showing other Territories will be Moved!
- Oh, that I would get rid of your Rags, says The LORD
- There will be Streams in the Midst of the DESERT!
- Many Attempt to Hoard the Things I’VE GIVEN TO THEM!
- Don’t get Caught-Up in the Hype!
- The Great Battle of the Ages is at Hand…
- Be Careful that you Don’t Speak after your Own Desires!
- Your Synagogues and your Houses of Prayer Honor YOURSELVES!
- A PROPHET is Not Without Honor, but….
- The Prophet’s Message Must Become Part of Him
- Death and Life are in the Power of the Tongue
- The Hidden Kingdom
- Doors
- The Night Approaches…
- The Sting of Rejection!
- It is Time for Yet Another REFORMATION!
- Who Has Heard the Horn Blow to Get Ready for Battle
- What Spirit would YOU Follow After in these Days?
- You will be VERY Surprised to see Whom I Count Worthy!
- I AM Sharpening your Swords for Battle
- The time is Waning for my Bride to put on Her Clothes…
- Will your Home and Life be secure against Storms?
- If You’re Born Again, Do You Still Sin?
- Who may Truly Hear the Sounds of the World?
- You will Look Back upon the Forgotten Songs of Yesterday
- Expanding our View and Understanding of Personal Prophecy
- MY People will Raise up a Banner!
- Praying Through Instead of Saying It’s Done
- With the Spring Times comes a New Man…
- You Have Trusted in Your Own Hands and Abilities!
- What great accomplishments would man do in this hour?
- How long to wait on a Prophecy to be Fulfilled?
- The Swing of the Pendulum has been Set!
- It’s Time to Grow Up and Train your Senses!
- What will YOU do?
- What Would I Say to the Masses?
- Learn to DISCERN!
- What HOPE?
- What Will the New Year Bring?
- By MY Hand…
- A Time of Reflection and Preparation
- You are Joint Heirs with ME!!
- The Spirit of OFFENSE
- A Word to the Wise
- Will you be SLEEPING or AWAKE on that Day?
- TWO ARMIES poised for BATTLE
- Will you cry out to your wooden gods on that day?
- PREPARE: The Road Ahead is BUMPY!
- Once the Land of the Free, the Home of the Brave
- USA: The Ocean Waves Come Upon the Coastlines
- Angels Hearald their Message along the Greaft Rift
- WOE to those SHEPHERDS!
Stephen Hanson of In His Truth Ministries came to The LORD is a special way in 1975 and has been prophesying regularly since. In these end-time birthing pangs we are to be reminded that judgment must first begin with the household of God. Will we be prepared and ready?
Stephen Hanson — Artist Biography
Stephen, from Lindsborg, Kansas, spent his time observing the many things that a small town offers, graduating in 1978 with B.A in Art, after developing his style while studying all of the various artists throughout history, often visiting the late Lester Raymer. After 24 years teaching high school art in Colorado Springs, her retired in 2017 to devote to his art and to pursue it seriously, packing up and heading for the canyons and mountains to paint.
Prior to painting landscapes, Stephen painted many classical-theme still-lifes — copper kettles or oriental vases can be found in many arrangements — or a Grecian pillar may be juxtaposed next to a strand of ivy, or an old wine bottle.
Stephen also paints religious and spiritual pieces, as well as portraits of unique faces.
Now living in Colorado Springs with his wife Carol, (also an artist) they visit places of interest and beauty to paint and draw.
(For a limited time, there is a substantial discount on all original paintings, by using the discount code listed on the artist home page here.)