Stephen Hanson — Realistic Paintings
A selection of books by Stephen A. Hanson available on Amazon.
A Testimony: A Personal Testimony (2006)
My Testimony — Life as a Christian (updated & expanded 2019)
Newest 200 First
- Greed & Power Will Cause You to Implode
- The Giver of Good Gifts
- A New Reformation
- The Universe, the Big Bang, and Creation
- From Whence Come Wars and Fighting?
- Leaving and Going Ahead: A Teaching on Faith
- Have We Learned to Be Content?
- The Scales of Justice
- Preparation or Encouragement
- I AM He Whom You Seek!
- An Eagle as Mighty as He, Can Surely Fall
- The Things of Old Will Come Once Again
- Take the Ancient Paths
- Speak No, See No, Hear No Evil
- The Rudder Is Not Being Moved by My Hand
- Things Are Not as They Seem!
- America: What’s Going Down?
- New and Old Wine Skins
- Our Lives Are but a Vapor
- The Four Living Creatures
- Ponder This!
- America: Disruption
- He Withdrew Unto Deserted Places
- We Are Just Sojourners!
- The Greater the Revelation, the Greater the Trial
- Your Time Pieces Need Adjusting
- You Need Not That Any Man Should Teach You
- What Has Happened to the Land I Live in?
- I Do Not Reside in Palaces of Stone!
- Unto the Whole Measure of the Fullness of Christ
- Our Spiritual DNA
- The World’s Events Will Speed-up
- This is My Father’s World
- How Beautiful Are The feet…
- And the Clock Stopped Never to Go Again
- The Anointing – The Presence
- The Great Separation Has Begun!
- How Will You Be Safe if You Cannot Hear My Voice?
- My Visit to the First Century Church in Rome
- Viewpoints!
- I AM Calling Forth a New Breed of People
- A New Era
- I Ask You to Follow After Me
- America, Oh How You Have Fallen!
- Always Have Lived in the Light
- Up Is Down and Down Is Up!
- Will You Be Unified or Have Your Own Agendas?
- Fake News or the True News
- I Will Save You Through Those Days!
- You Stand Upon a Precipice of Decision Oh Land!
- You Are a Nation of Hypocrites!
- What Time Is It?
- Be Still Before Me and Wait Upon My Orders!
- Watch Out For The Dogs!
- There Are Voices All Around You!
- Blessed Are You When…..
- You Looked for a King!
- A New Beginning – Promises Kept or Withheld
- Grasping the Reigns of a Torn Republic
- I AM Causing a Whirlwind Amongst My People
- Which Words Are True? Which Ones Are Not?
- You Have Made These Like Idols!
- Our Opinions and Prejudices Can Influence Our Prophecies
- The Very Walls of Justice Will Shake on That Day
- America: You Are Entering Into a New Era
- Are We Real People, or Are We Super-human?
- What Will Your Focus Be After All of This?
- USA Election 2016 – Unlike Any Other
- I Weep Over the Land, Says the LORD
- Set Your Minds on Things Above
- Spiritual Warfare 101
- The World Waits in Anticipation
- How Will You Fortify Your Land for That Day?
- A Season of Political Unrest and Dissension
- You Wage War Even With One Another!
- There Is a Snake That Is Weaving
- I Have Riches to Give to My Own
- What Is a False Prophet and What Is Not?
- The Next Season Brings Many Rumors
- To Live In Him!
- You Will Speak to the Hosts of Wickedness?
- Expect the Worst, or Expect the Best?
- Perception
- Expect the Unexpected and It Will Happen
- Who Has Stood in My Council?
- If This Be Not I
- Characteristics of True and False Prophets
- Two Different Winds
- Prosperity, Warning, Encouragement & Judgment
- What is a Simple Life?
- Do You Prophesy the Truth?
- The Sons of Glory!
- Shelter From The Storm!
- Don’t Be Afraid to Go Against the Grain!
- You Have Looked to Man Rather Than Me!
- Facing Transition
- You Will Shake Your Heads in Disbelief!
- Eye Has Not Seen and Ear Has Not Heard
- Beloved, The Hour is Late!
- Worship the LORD in Spirit and in Truth
- Your Nation Is Torn Between Two Extremes
- Follow the Path I’ve Marked Out for You!
- The Preparation and Training of a Prophet: Training (Pt.2)
- Things of My Spirit – One Would Want to Know
- The Preparation and Training of a Prophet (Pt.1)
- Our Relationship With Christ Is Real!
- I AM Opening Up New Vistas of Understanding
- Why So Many Different Types of Prophetic Words?
- Following After Angels or God
- The Kingdom of God Is Within You!
- Oh You Who Have Been High and Mighty!
- Prophecy is Progressive
- A King Will Reign Righteously
- Prophets and Rejection
- I Have Not Sent These Prophets!
- Suspicion is NOT Discernment!
- America: A Strong Wind is Blowing!
- How YOU are Fallen!
- Who Is the One Many Think I’ve Chosen?
- I Hold the Hourglass!
- I Long for the Courts of the LORD!
- Ocean Waves
- Who Will Come Out on Top?
- Where Are The Jeremiahs Of This Hour?
- Without a Vision the People Perish
- How Do YOU Know Which Voices Are True?
- All of the Books in the World Could Not Contain
- America: Places of Sanctuary
- Combining Spiritual Thoughts with Spiritual Words
- Be as the Oak to My Children!
- Not All is Vanity!
- Sufficient Unto The Day
- I AM Against the Shepherds!
- This is the Beginnings of Sorrows!
- Buy Salve From Me That You Would See
- America: Is There Another Civil War Coming? (Updated)
- Going Against the Crowd
- Dig Deep and Find the Strength!
- The Players are Soon to Enter the Arena!
- I Hammer and I Forge!
- Are You Following After Conspiracies or God?
- There is a Cloud that is Coming!
- We Are Not All The Same!
- The Prophetic Anointing
- A Picture of a Prophet
- The Life of an Artist
- America: The Page Has Been Turned!
- You Have Gone Far From MY Design
- When Will It End?
- America: What is to Come?
- A Great Division in the USA this Fall!
- Come and Drink First
- The Importance of Humility
- Prophesying the Truth
- I Want You All to Be Prepared!
- I Will Repay You for the Years the Locusts Have Eaten
- Is it Your Will or Mine?
- Are YOU Ready for the Things to Come?
- The Life of a Prophet
- Making America Great Again
- America: Love One Another!
- America: The Coming Fall Season
- This Nation will be brought to its Knees
- The Pomp and the Circumstance will come to an END!
- I AM turning up the Heat on My People!
- Steal from the Rich, Give to the Poor?
- Fan into Flames!
- Return to the Tower of Babel
- Whomever Hears these Words and Does Them!
- We all have our own walk with the LORD
- My Word is on Fire and is Alive!
- Seek ME at All Times!
- We Learn Obedience – through Suffering
- Dying to Self
- Where have all the Daniels gone?
- Come My Weary Soldiers, Return to the Battle
- Are your Heads buried in the Sand?
- Politics over God?
- Where are the Heroes?
- We Believe in the Unseen!
- Is there anything that I cannot do?
- There is much dismay in the ‘Climate’ of America
- Time, as you know it, will Speed Up!
- Wait upon The LORD!
- I long that man would…..
- Suffering – then being Resurrected unto New Life!
- An Old Familiar Road
- There are Reasons for its Brokenness!
- America: Restoration or Collapse?
- Many are Called, Few Chosen!
- Spirits of Prophets are Subject to the Prophets!
- America will be brought to its knees!
- America: A Showdown is Coming!
- Why do we Suffer?
- Why Troubles?
- You only Perceive a Portion of what is in store!
- Write this Vision down!
- Our Covering in Christ is all we need!
- How many of My children have waited long and hard for My return?
- My People, which Road will YOU take?
Stephen Hanson of In His Truth Ministries came to The LORD is a special way in 1975 and has been prophesying regularly since. In these end-time birthing pangs we are to be reminded that judgment must first begin with the household of God. Will we be prepared and ready?
Stephen Hanson — Artist Biography
Stephen, from Lindsborg, Kansas, spent his time observing the many things that a small town offers, graduating in 1978 with B.A in Art, after developing his style while studying all of the various artists throughout history, often visiting the late Lester Raymer. After 24 years teaching high school art in Colorado Springs, her retired in 2017 to devote to his art and to pursue it seriously, packing up and heading for the canyons and mountains to paint.
Prior to painting landscapes, Stephen painted many classical-theme still-lifes — copper kettles or oriental vases can be found in many arrangements — or a Grecian pillar may be juxtaposed next to a strand of ivy, or an old wine bottle.
Stephen also paints religious and spiritual pieces, as well as portraits of unique faces.
Now living in Colorado Springs with his wife Carol, (also an artist) they visit places of interest and beauty to paint and draw.
(For a limited time, there is a substantial discount on all original paintings, by using the discount code listed on the artist home page here.)