Newest 200 First
- Changing the World to the Kingdom of God
- A Personal Change of Focus!
- You Were Born for This Time
- Life Now Beyond All We Can Imagine
- A Most Significant Day of The LORD is Upon Us
- Government and The Kingdom of God
- Explosion of Light and Love
- All in All From the Throne
- Beyond — Beyond Our Imagination
- Entering God’s Reality
- A Worldwide “Kingdemic”
- Kingdom Production is Kingdom Provision
- Heaven’s Glory and Freedom or Bondage and Death on Earth?
- Do Not Waste Your Season of Isolation and Trouble
- Repentance and the Inordinate Fear of the Coronavirus Pandemic?
- Crossing the Line Into Fullness
- The Greatest Showdown of the Ages
- Deep Call to Body/ Temple Reality
- The Exorbitant Division in America
- The Last Call to Save a Nation
- Victory in This Life is in God’s Love
- Overwhelming All-consuming Love
- Wisdom and Understanding
- When His Love is All We Have
- Moving to a New Life in a New Place
- God is Speaking to Us and Awaiting Our Response
- Experiencing God’s Love
- The All Powerful Kingdom of God
- Kingdom Leverage Moves the Earth
- The Way Above the Storm
- A Modern Day Parable — The Mountain of God
- Really, What Exactly is the Kingdom of God?
- Escape Into Victory
- The Kingdom and Sexuality — Pt.3
- The Kingdom and Sexuality — Pt.2
- The Kingdom and Sexuality — Pt.1
- Precious Days of Life
- The Secret Hidden Kingdom
- God’s Kingdom Family of Diversity
- The Love Call of God!
- Becoming Pure Holy Love
- Spirit Predominance and True Identity
- The Mystery of Becoming the Love of God
- The Passion of Spirit Love, Versus Human Passion & Compassion!
- The Kingdom of Spirit-Natural Life
- The Fountain of Immortal Life Now
- Amazing Love Now Invading America!
- A Fresh New Season of Kingdom Reality
- From Christianity to Kingdom Reality
- Being Led and Empowered by Spirit God
- The End of an Era of God
- Church In The Kingdom Age
- Heaven’s Life on Earth
- One Small Step Into the Most Peaceful Spirit Reality
- Beyond Imagination
- Love Is the Greatest Christmas Miracle of All!
- The Governing Ekklesia
- Spirit Infusion and a New Mindset!
- God’s Spirit Strategies for Creating Kingdom Order in 2019
- Today is Your Opportunity!
- Explosive World Events Changing Life on Earth
- Coming Through to Heaven on Earth!
- The Holy Ghost Invasion
- Wisdom of Spiritual and Natural Governance
- America, Awaken and Pray NOW!
- The Wisdom of the Fear and the Love of God
- Feeling God’s Love That Is Changing the World!
- America! Awake and Arise!!
- The Strength of Unbridled LOVE Is Unstoppable!
- Kingdom of Christ Within You!
- Fuel for the Fire of God!
- The Virgin Bride Church Manifesting Christ Incarnate
- Explosive Change Coming to USA!
- New Kingdom of God Nations to Lead the World!
- Awaken to Pure Holy Love ~ Part 2
- Awaken to Pure Holy Love
- Kingdom Reality Replacing Religion
- Spirit Consummation
- Come to the Garden!
- The Miracle Breakthrough
- God’s Kingdom Creation
- Waiting for the Kingdom?
- Waiting for the Kingdom of God?
- Love and Order – The Way to Peace
- Exploding Love Changing the World
- Exploding Love
- The Antique Car Prophetic Dream
- Love Creates the Beauty of Holiness
- Set Your Affection Above
- From Church Emphasis Age to the Kingdom Age
- Awakening to Great Change in Our World
- Spirit Awakening NOW!
- Be Revived in the Fresh Air of the Spirit of God
- Heaven’s Mysteries Revealed
- Hidden Mysteries of Life – Part 2
- Hidden Mysteries of Life – Part 1
- Love Never Fails and His Kingdom Never Ends
- LOVE: The Master Key to the Kingdom
- God’s Master Plan
- Our New Life Reality in God’s Kingdom Now
- Moving To the Next Level of Kingdom Life
- Spiritual and Natural Sons Arise
- Sons of God Maturing
- Are We There Yet?
- The Loving Peace of Kingdom Joy in This World
- Walking With God in the Garden of Our Lives
- Our Best Days Ever, Coming Now in Turbulence of Transition
- The “Kingdom” Spin Masters
- Nations that Honor God, Thrive!
- Supernatural Intensely Passionate Love
- Arise into the Spirit Far Above the Fray
- While There Is Breath!
- Prophecy, Revival, and Ministry, PRaM
- Holy Ghost Invasion
- World Cleansing and Transformation!
- The Heart of God for America and the World!
- Receiving the Master Key of the Kingdom
- Melted Together in Love
- Powerful, Peaceful Kingdom Love
- The Fullness of Life Awaits Us Now
- Spirit Kingdom Glorifies the Natural World
- Heaven’s Fire Transforming the World
- Entering the Limitless Expanse of Heaven’s Kingdom
- Revival and Kingdom Reality
- Child-likeness and Kingdom Reality
- Religion Gives Way to Kingdom Reality
- Biblical Kingdom Reality
- The Dream is Alive!
- Being Positioned for Spirit Explosion
- Arising Into the Spirit Kingdom of Love
- Supernatural Spirit Reciprocity
- Finishing Well by the Spirit
- Prepare for Extreme Sudden Upgrades
- The Season and the Time Have Now Come!
- Real Life in a Nebulous World
- Truth Leads to Freedom
- The Counterfeit Kingdom
- Confronted By Love
- Awakening to a Changing World
- As Nations Decrease the Kingdom Increases
- God’s Kingdom Spring
- Love Poured Out to Change the World
- The Spiritual Showdown of the Ages
- Eternal Life in a Temporal World
- Love Erasing Lines of Separation
- 2017: Spirit Kingdom Reality of Love
- The Essence of Eternal Spirit God Within Us
- Walking in the Garden of Eden Spirit Reality
- Releasing Exuberant Joy in the Power of Praise
- Prophetic Allegory: A Modern-Day Parable
- A Day of Deliverance to Freedom
- Now or Never for America! Pray!
- In the Depths of Love is Peace
- Arising to New Life in Christ
- God’s Real New World Order
- Rejoice IN the LORD God Almighty
- The Key to Ultimate Spirit Rule on Earth
- A Brand New Spirit Life!
- The Glory of Spirit Kingdom Living
- A Fireside Chat
- The Way of Love
- Life in the Kingdom Family of God
- Life After Death While on Earth!
- Abundant Spiritual Gifts and Callings
- Starving for Truth!
- Peace and Urgency
- Abundant Life in the Midst of the Storm
- The Battle for the Magnificent Kingdom
- A Powerful Victorious Life in Jesus, Yeshua
- A World Awakening to God
- The Harvest Has Begun!
- The Evening and the Morning
- Extraordinary Love and Power to Break Free
- Imminent Extreme Change in Our Lives
- Underground Revival- As Never Before Seen
- From Heaven’s Perspective – LOVE and LIGHT
- Walking in Spirit Reality
- A Prayer for this Season
- America: Arise in the Power of Love and Faith
- It’s About the Kingdom of God!
- God Divided Light From Darkness
- A New Day – Light Dissolving Darkness
- We are again living in Bible Days!
- The Return to the Garden
- “By My Spirit!” Says the LORD!
- The Next and Coming Move of God
- Becoming Who We Are
- Love Releasing the Power of Heaven
- Rediscovering Lost Treasure
- This Next Place of Spirit Reality Beyond Revival
- Stepping Into the Heavenly Realm NOW!
- Planted on Earth to Bring Change
- God’s Love and Mercy vs. Judgment
- The Ark of God’s Presence
- God’s Presence Dissolving Darkness
- Spirit Call to Rally Now
- Entering into Life in the Highest Realm
- It ALL Begins with Love
- 2016 The Year of Kingdom Arising
- Time for LOVE!
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Ron McGatlin Ron has over 62 years of seeking to serve God in ministry and business. Barbara has served in pastoral and Christian education positions for over 10 years. They currently make their home in the foot hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, USA. Ron has written 5 books on revival and the in-breaking kingdom and continues to write powerful apostolic/prophetic articles published weekly in the Digest.