Newest 200 First
- Rise Up, Confront and Kill the Enemies of God!
- The Spirit of Destruction and the Destroyer Lie Await
- Prophetic Word for December 2018
- You Cannot Curse What God Has Blessed!
- Be Aware! The War Is ON!
- A Warning to the Nations!
- Spirits of Infirmities
- America: The Tornadoes Are Coming!
- The LORD is Married to the Backslider!
- God Hates Rebellion!
- A Dream of Leadership and War
- War Within America
- God’s Provision Is Sure for Those He Calls to the Priesthood
- A Prophetic Word to God’s Faithful People
- The LORD Asks: “Where Are My Wailing Ones?”
- Living in the Overflow ~ Blessings for Obedience!
- Prophetic Word for November, 2018
- Its Your Choice!
- The Antichrist Is Soon to Come!
- The Handwriting Is Upon the Wall for Many!
- Humility Comes With a Price!
- Let Everyone That Bows on His Knees Go Home!
- The Hijacking of Offices and the Ministry!
- Close Relationships Pay Off!
- How Bad Do You Want It?
- What Is the Function of a True Apostle & Five Fold Ministry Gifts?
- A Word for October 2018
- A Great Shaking Is Coming to Our Nations!
- Warning: Vengeance Belongs to God!
- God Is Raising Up Some Lethal Weapons in This Season!
- How Comfortable Are You in Your Skin?
- The Goliath in Your Life Is Coming Down!
- Taking the Low Road Can Lead to the High Road of Your Destiny
- A Generation of Outer Appearance People
- Disrespecting Authority Will Cause One to Miss Their Time of Visitation!
- The Owl Is Diligently Watching for His Prey!
- God Will Not Share His Glory With Another!
- Impartations Gone Wrong VS God Ordained Impartations
- Swear Not!
- God Is Raising Up a Militant Army!
- Jesus Is ALL You Need!
- The Favored Ones
- More Eye Candy?
- God Wants to Give You Favor!
- How Is It You Cannot Identify a Saint From a Sinner?
- A Re-birthing Is Taking Place!
- Let Both Mercy & Justice Ring Out to Our Nation!
- The Lion Has Risen!
- The Toothless Dragon
- Let the Dead Bury the Dead; Follow Christ!
- Don’t Lose Your Prophetic Keys!
- A New Sound Is Coming for the Month of August, 2018!
- Part-time Christianity?
- Hush, Satan Is Listening!
- Judgment Is Coming to the House!
- Your Adoption Has Already Legally Taken Place
- A Supernatural Rush Is Catapulting Forth!
- Will YOU Bow Down?
- How Can We Be Fruitful in a Barren Land!
- Walk in Reconciliation and Relationship!
- Respect Versus Unity
- Spontaneous Prophetic Worship
- A Great Gushing Is Coming!
- Not All May Enter the Inner Court!
- Satan Has Put a Contract Out on You!
- Without Faith It Is Impossible to Please God!
- You Will Finish the Work of God With a Strong Hand!
- Warning Dream!
- When Favor Shall Meet You and Run You Over at the Door!
- My Members Where Made to Be Holy and Not for the Garbage Can!
- Flames in the House of The LORD!
- Idolatry of God’s People
- Love Will Cover and Help Build!
- Strong Warriors
- You Are the Child of a King!
- The LORD Is Examining the Thoughts and the Intents!
- Help is On The Way!
- The Fight to the Finish!
- Seducing Spirits Tell You Half Truths!
- God Is Raising Up Delivers to Bring You Into Your Goshen Season!
- The Favor of God!
- Delusional Psychosis Can Become Demonic!
- Loose Lips Kill Fellowship!
- The Eyes of the Holy Ghost
- Missed Discernment Brings About Missed Opportunities!
- Whatever Happened to the Body of Christ Seeking After Peace?
- There Is a Time and a Season for All Things!
- Prophetic Word for the Month of May 2018
- The Garden of Gethsemane: A Preparation for One’s Death!
- Witches and Warlocks Among God’s People
- There Are Consequences for Every Action!
- Will YOU Be Ready for His Return?
- The Root of Bitterness
- The Battle and the Clashing of the Mantles!
- It Is a Set Back, Not a Set Up!
- America: It Is Time to Turn the Mirror on Yourself!
- Called Unto Righteousness!
- Is There Anything Too Hard for God?
- Be Watchful of Those Always Prophesying Prosperity!
- Don’t Allow the Enemy to Move or Shake You!
- Discern! Discern! Discern!
- The Vultures Circle at Your Success!
- Taken for Granted by a Rebellious People
- The Lost Axe Head in the Church
- The Crushing of Oil
- God Has a Pattern That His People Must Follow
- Opposition Is Not Always of the Devil
- Prophetic Word for the Month of April 2018
- Where is the New Wine?
- Nothing but the Blood of Jesus Can Wash Away a Pink Heart!
- The Time Has Come to Arise, Prophet of God!
- Welcome Holy Spirit!
- It’s Time Out for Playing Games!
- The Ferris Wheel Elevation Brings You to Take a Leap of Faith!
- How Will I Know When My Boaz and Ruth Have Come?
- Dolls and Poppets in the Kingdom of God
- Wherever the Spirit of the LORD Is, There Is Freedom!
- Entering Into the Rest of God
- Divine Visitations!
- God Is Threshing His People!
- What Is the Problem?
- LORD Let Your Grace Favor Me; Instead of My Ego!
- No Time to Be Sleeping!
- Leviathan: Lies, Deception & Manipulation!
- When Loving the Creature More Than the Creator Is a Sin!
- Magic or the Divine Supernatural?
- The Winds Are Blowing for the Month of March!
- The Winds of Prosperity Are Blowing!
- God Is Passing Out His Scroll!
- Your Elevation Does Not Come by Using Others….
- Ichabod Writing Is Upon the Door
- Revelations Come to Enlighten
- With Elevation Comes Announcement!
- One’s Misfortune Can Become Another’s Treasure!
- The Vultures Are Circling!
- You Shall See the Axe Laid to the Roots!
- Pray for Russia
- There Is a Warrant Out for Your Arrest!
- God Is Raising Up the School of the Prophets
- A Word for February 2018
- Pray for America Today!
- The LORD says “Focus!”
- Some Times You May Have to Say NO, to Some Gifts!
- The Apple of Thine Eye
- God Is Processing Many for His Business!
- Before Becoming an Apostle…
- Words of Knowledge & Gifts of Prophecy
- Apostolic and Prophetic Keys
- It Is Not in the Volume but in the Authority!
- We Are No Longer Under the Law!
- The Clock Is Ticking and the Plumb Line Is Out!
- Continue to Pray for America
- God Wants to Know: Can He Trust You?
- The Irresponsible Leaders!
- The Church That Was Built Upon a False Foundation
- What Part Will You Play in 2018?
- Seeing in the Spiritual Realm of the Third Heaven
- No Seat in God’s Sight Is Permanent When Sin Abounds!
- God Is Giving Many a New Slate for 2018
- The Handwriting Is Upon the Seats of Many!
- The Fight Has Just Begun
- Let the People Weep and Cry Out to God!
- Chrome Is Far From Gold!
- Do Not Cast Pearls Before Swine!
- I AM the Vine, Ye Are the Branches
- First Things First!
- Whose Slave Are YOU?
- Your Word Is Your Bond!
- Holiness Is Still a Requirement of Inclusion
- Keeping It on the Down Low!
- God Has Extended a Full Warranty!
- The Love of God Unites; Satan Divides!
- God Is About to Break the Head of Your Enemies
- Spilled Milk Cannot Help You to Grow!
- Is it Too Deep, or Revelation That Enlightens?
- Don’t Leave the Nest Too Soon!
- A Cry Is Being Made!
- Prophetic Word for the Month of December 2017
- Removing the Religious Boundaries
- Godliness With Contentment Is Great Gain
- They Turned From God and Did Not Even Know It!
- Fate Vs Damnation?
- Sounding The Alarm!
- Prophetic Word for 2018
- Disorder in America and A Lack of Respect for GOD
- The LORD Said, “The Rooster Is Crowing!”
- Watchman Are Sent to Guard
- The Spirit of Religion Never Wants the Glory Cloud to Come!
- Love and Acceptance
- God Is Placing the Nuts and Bolts Together
- A Divine Word for You Today
- Wake Up Church! You Are Sleeping in Dangerous Times!
- Wait on Christ!
- When Competition Diminishes the Glory of God!
- No Devil in Hell Can Stop the Archangels of God
- The Vision Is Coming to Pass!
- Strange Fire Will Get You Killed!
- Be Confident of Who You Are in Christ!
- A Prophetic Word for November 2017
- You Might Be Riding High Today…
Apostle Geraldine Fisher has a World-Wide-Social Media Net-Work Ministry. As a Missionary, God moved her into the Office of a Prophet, revealing to her the qualities of a True prophet, humility, humiliation, loving others, interceding in prayer, as she keeps her own life clean to accurately hear from God. Since hearing the audible voice of God calling her to ministry, she’s been called to intercede and pray for others in ministry as God speaks, instructs, directs and gives prophetic words for her to give to others. God promised He would bring her to sit and to learn before great men, all of which He did!