A Testimony: The Glory of Divine Intervention
Newest 200 First
- Who Has Ever Heard of Such a Thing?
- An Advent Devotional
- What is Christmas?
- Go and See the King!
- A Different Season – a Simplified Walk
- Your Will Be Done on Earth
- The Adult-child and the Child-like
- Kings and Births – Violence and Peace
- Friend, Guard Your Heart!
- O Come, Emmanuel!
- A Holiday Pep Talk!
- Who Determines Standards of Right and Wrong?
- Mirror Kissers Need Not Apply!
- Remember, I Was Poured Out for You!
- Letting Go and Letting God
- Bitterness- The Unhealthiest Emotion
- The LORD is Producing Endurance
- To Follow God Requires Faith
- I Have Special Concern For Church Leaders
- Change Will Absolutely Come!
- The Word in Psalm 11
- Trending Christianity
- Move Forward Only in Agreement!
- Only a Friend Can Betray a Friend
- What Needs to Be Pruned in YOUR Life?
- Afraid to be Desperate for Jesus?
- “The Narrowing” – Choices and Changes
- We Are Living in Very Ungrateful Days!
- Our Deepest Spiritual Experiences
- Human Hearts Ache for Reassurance!
- Why Don’t They Listen of Christians?
- The Most Excellent Eternal Blueprint
- There Is a Whirlwind Coming!
- I AM Restructuring Everything!
- God Moves Among the Outcasts!
- God Searches the Minds and Hearts!
- Dealing with Difficult People
- Changed, Through the Storms of Life!
- True Faith is Active!
- Live By FAITH!
- To Be Poured Out as a Drink Offering
- Walking on the Edge of the Precipice!
- Truth is Slippery!
- Envision The Valley Experience!
- Listen as I Speak a Word of Promise!
- What is a Spiritual Hope?
- Return to Your Fortress!
- Buying & Selling the Souls of Our Children
- Authentic Repentence
- How Do YOU Respond to Tragedy?
- We Have Some Prayer Work to Do for the USA!
- Is it Well with Your Soul?
- The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God
- How to Use Silence
- Test Everything – Be A Berean!
- 2016 – The Lessons of Humility
- Recognizing Self-Centered Behavior
- Dream Stealers and our God
- Fathers: Protect, Defend, Love and Honor
- Learn to say: “NO”
- That Quiet Persistent Voice
- The Season in Time to Pour Out Oil and Wine
- LEGACY or FAME Driven Leaders
- Receiving Present Day Revelation
- Is Your Heart at Complete Peace?
- Walking with God in the Valley of Tears
- Hearing the Voice of God
- A Child’s Voice and The Presence of God
- We must be Truth-Tellers with Tears!
- Where are my co-laborers?
- The tongue is set on fire by hell!
- What is true worship?
- A Mother’s Prayer of Blessing For Her Children
- Severed branches don’t bear Fruit!
- Recognizing Spiritually Abusive Ministries
- What do you cry out for?
- Leadership & Kings – Arrogance & Morality
- Beware the ‘cutting edge’ voice
- The fear of man VS The Fear of God
- Do you feel like you’re Surrounded?
- If I am the LORD’s, then the LORD is mine!
- When You Feel That Heart Tug
- The Strains of the Redemption Song
- This is the way! Walk it out!
- A Whisper From Heaven
- Seeking the LORD
- What is a Divine Appointment?
- Why did Jesus have to die?
- God is not obligated to treat us mercifully
- Resurrection Week Devotional
- Hosanna – Save Please!
- Losing the Kingdom – now as then
- Being a King and Father of a Nation
- A change in the Spiritual Climate is coming
- Acceptance by the crowd
- By My Spirit, says The LORD!
- True friendship: What Is It?
- 5 Characteristics of a Narcissist
- God and our stillness
- Beauty Is Only Skin Deep!
- Encouragement: Sweet to the Mind!
- Learning to Leave the past behind
- Pride causes painful divisions and fights!
- To Love, is to be Vulnerable
- The Great Coming Whirlwind — A Prophetic Insight
- The Comforter
- Practicing Solitude
- Continue to walk in love!
- YOU have to Practice!!
- The Glory of Divine Intervention
- The Army of The Lord
- The Lessons of Humility
- Christmas Commitment Time!
- Let us Reason together
- HE came to change US!
- On earth peace, goodwill toward men
- Christian faith:- a daily decision to follow Christ
- Being Childlike
- A “Mini-Advent” reading
- Forgiveness is difficult!
- Gratitude and Thankfulness
- Jesus Wept
- Prophetic Insights for France and Germany
- The Wickedness of a Slanderer
- The word of our God stands forever
- Why Oh Why, All the Delays?
- Time is Relentless!
- We’re all rebels!
- Think of your life as a cup
- The world needs Peacemakers
- Love your enemies!
- Things produce after their own kind!
- Entering a New Season
- It is Time for Change!
- Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
- Taking the High Road
- Rosh Hashanah רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה: The Feast of Trumpets
- God wants to communicate with YOU!
- Discouragement
- Are there Blessings in Life’s storms?
- Bitterness is Ugly!!
- Words of Encouragement
- To Serve Or Not To Serve?
- What exactly is servant-hood?
- Boastful Competitiveness and LOVE
- Violating our Conscience
- Counting Your Gain as Loss?
- The Training of the Spiritual Comrade
- Dealing with Criticism
- The Valley Experience Simply Must Happen!
- Is a Christian laborer worthy of a wage?
- True Resting and Waiting on The Lord
- Signs of a ‘Know it-all’
- Set aside time to seek and hear from God
- God comes to us with Authority
- Betrayal in the Pews
- Redeemed from the Fear of Man
- America: Repeating Nazi History?
- A Challenge to Prophets
- The true attributes of a Father
- Relationship boundaries are necessary!
- Living in a dry and thirsty land
- Be careful of your Motives
- A look into the Heart of those called to a Spiritual Reformation
- What’s So Important About Pentecost?
- I Am the One you long for!
- A Craving For Deep Rest
- Trauma and Good Counsel
- Defending your Boundaries!
- Waiting upon the Lord
- Making the Right Choice – a Testimony
- Why is perseverance be so valuable?
- Disasters And Trauma
- Hanging on for Dear Life!
- How to Address the Desperate and needy Soul
- We are ALL called to Serve!
- Seasons of Relationship with God
- What is Passover Really About?
- Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai
- Walking without the Shackles of the Past
- Do you plan to spring clean this year?
- Aspects of Insecurity
- Stand on the Word of God!
- God’s qualifications for us for His use
- 2015 – The World Tipping Point
- Honor, a forgotten art in Church
- God has a plan to Restore the World
- “LIKEMINDEDNESS” – Real Relationships Are Costly
- The Super-Natural Bowl
- Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired: HALT!
- Pulled & Tested, Stretched & Restrained
- The Church that God can Name as “His New Vessel”
- Create in me…
- The Lord says: I am Restructuring and Refurbishing Everything
- Prophetic Insight for Troubled Times
- What The LORD Honors In Desperate Times
- Trends and Presumptions – Enmeshed into Deception
- 2014: Determine Now, NOT to look Backward
- The Lord Says: Think Big – Act Little!
- Reformation Pioneers are Appointed by GOD!
Mary Lindow has a passion for encouraging others – all generations, careers or vocations to live expressing excellence through personal integrity, healthy accountability, and wise management of talents and skills. She’s a sought after keynote, inspirational, humorous speaker and teacher across the USA and internationally in Ministers & Spiritual leaders Conferences, and training seminars for various organizations.