Personal Testimony: Are YOU Ready to Suffer With Him?
Personal Testimony: The Life of a True Prophet
Personal Testimony: A Testimony of the LORD’s Protection
Newest 200 First
- Spiritual Weapons of the Bible
- Transformation, Elevation, Change – All yours!
- Get into Your War Positions!
- Integrity! Character! Behavior! Honesty!
- There Are No Red Carpet Prophets
- Building on Pure Foundations
- Church Leadership 101
- The Days of False Leaders Are Over!
- Understanding Your Calling in Christ
- Leadership 101 for Generals
- Performance Repentance by Leaders
- Fight Only Where You’re Told to Go!
- The 4R Changes of The LORD Have Arrived!
- A Prophet Is the Mouthpiece of God!
- Will YOU Reject the Warnings & Instructions?
- Standing in The Will of God!
- Too Good to Work
- Have No Mercy with the Enemy!
- God Has Moved Beyond our Traditions!
- Avoiding Ordained Gifts Gone Wild
- Using Experience to Help and Save Others
- A Spiritual Shift is about to Occur!
- Your Misery Shall Now Be Your Laughter!
- An Attack Against the Prophets of God
- Be Watchful of Rats, Bats and Venomous Snakes!
- The Transfer of Wealth Begins!
- The LORD Is Stirring Up His Prophets!
- New Warfare Mantles Are Being Released!
- Kingdom Marriages & Relationships Under Attack
- Be Aware of the Enemy’s Antagonists
- Listen, the War has Started!
- Kingdom Leadership Down-Sizing!
- A Word for Christian Leaders
- America: Seek The LORD For Direction!
- Being on Prayer Duty
- Following Noise of the Crowd
- Pray for Malaysia
- Haman, Your Gallows are Waiting on You!
- God is Dealing Heavily with Leaders!
- Receiving a Word from The LORD
- Self Harming the Body of Christ
- Attitude, Character and Actions Define Us!
- Mutual Respect in Christian Leadership
- The New Dumb in Ministry!
- Spiritual Cross-Dressers
- Dealing with Gifts Gone Totally Wild!
- Stealers of the Anointing
- This is an Hour of Breaking Away!
- It’s War Time and the Fight is On!
- Demonic Attacks Released on the USA
- Wisdom in Leadership: 101
- Don’t Judge the Vessel!
- Deal with Church Issues NOW!!!
- Be Faithful and Be Focused!
- Test Every Word and Try the Spirit
- Beware Necromancy, Psychics, Soothsayers & Mediums!
- Let God Choose Your Battles!
- Give in Secret, the Father will Reward
- No Character Change? No Deliverance!
- A New Season of Deliverance has Arrived
- Do WE Understand what LOVE is all About?
- Evaluation Time has Arrived for Many!
- The True Mandated Prophets
- Reconciliation, Restoration, Reviving, Recovery!
- There is a Move of God Taking Place!
- Who SHE is, in the Kingdom of God
- Sisters – Don’t Lose Your Identity!
- Beware Social Media
- Midwives Training Center
- Pastoral and Leadership Training
- Have you EVER Walked in Love?
- Spirit Beasts & Animals of Desert & Forest
- Why are We in Ministry?
- Don’t be Pushed Aside!
- Women and Identity Crisis Issues
- Stand Strong! The War just Intensified!
- Stop the Entertainment – Return to THE WORD!
- You are Too Blessed to be Stressed!
- There is a Counterfeit Sound being Released!
- Deliverance Is Not Showtime!
- Four words to shape your whole spiritual life!
- America: Things are about to change!
- God demands a place of leadership in our lives
- Giving in, to Over Come?
- Be Prepared for a True Prophet’s Word
- Be one of God’s Distribution Centers
- Counselling out of Unresolved Bitterness
- Your leader is not your personal ATM machine!
- Don’t be shaken by the Jezebels around you!
- The Bitterness of Myrrh
- Listen by the Spirit
- Beware who has access to your life!
- Don’t fight against God!
- Some situations are Deliverance, not Warfare!
- Learning Warfare through our Spouse
- Separated, by Experiencing God
- The Merchants of Christianity
- Throw Down the Jezebels in Churches!
- God’s Patterns of Holiness & Righteousness
- Shut-ins, bring God and You together!
- The LORD said: No Demons Left Behind!
- Learning from our Elders in Church
- Knowing who you are in The LORD
- Being a Shepherd, not a Butcher
- Ministry is Warfare, not showmanship
- Turn back to God now! Judgment is in the Land!
- Do not avoid God’s Process for you
- Women, find the Balance!
- Oh yes, I’m in Warfare!
- The Great Takeover is NOW!
- The spirit of Illusion
- Every Soul is Important to God!
- Recognizing Witchcraft
- Deliberate Flooding in Texas?
- A Warning About a Spirit Called Hecate
- Ungodly Covenants and Ungodly Soul Ties
- Beware the Shadow People Around You!
- Will YOU say: “Yes Lord, Send Me”?
- Walk in HIS Power and Authority Only
- Watch for Prayers of Divination and Damnation!
- Church Unity in Diversity
- Actions say a lot about a person!
- Attack the Spirit not the Person!
- God is pouring out His Spirit to overflowing!
- A Warning of Blockages and Barricades
- Warfare Strategy on Curses
- A Season of great Supernatural moves of God
- Focusing on Titles, or God’s Glory?
- Recognizing the Enemy around You!
- Stuck in the Past & Winds of Change
- Speaking out the Word of the LORD
- Father, I give my all to YOU!
- Learning true Discipleship
- Prophetic Pressure
- Let Down Your Net AGAIN!
- The Lord says: Don’t get upset about anything!
- The Block Anointing has been released!
- Warning USA: Decoys, Smoke Screens & Mock Setups!
- Treachery, Trickery and Iniquity in the body
- God Will Do UNPRECEDENTED Things!
- Learning Obedience from the Lord, 101
- A New Season of Outflow of His Spirit is here!
- The Subliminal Witchcraft of Sickness
- Who gave them authority over the Church?
- Churches making leaders their idols and gods
- I Cry Loud for the Church
- Invisible Vessels of Oil are coming forth
- A word to Prophets
- Disturbances, Distractions and Changes in this Season
- Resolving and Hearing Love in Relationships
- Multiple Spiritual Personalities
- Recognizing Hallucination Relationships
- We need to Renew our Minds!
- Altar Worker’s Etiquette 101
- Leaders: Assemble your Team!
- Dealing with attacks from our friends
- Don’t Let Man Limit Your Sphere of Authority
- People are not Listening or Preparing for the Lord’s Return!
- Getting rid of the wilderness people
- An Enigma
- Be watchful of kindred demons in Church
- What is Your Perspective of Love?
- Direct the manipulators, to God!
- The Church is bring brought back to divine order
- Crossing Over or Staying in Egypt
- A Right Attitude towards God
- The bombs are about to be released
- Living as a True Christian Leader
- No Moochers in the next season!
- Give me You, Lord! Give me You!
- Divine Changes arriving soon!
- God’s Kingdom people are coming forth
- You just want your flesh to be entertained?
- Be not, Bitter Vessels
- A dose of Year End truth
- Seasonal Prophets
- Come back to the Foundation of Holiness
- A Complete Release!
- Time to follow The Lord wholeheartedly
- Pray and seek Him concerning every dream
- Be whom God called you to be!
- It’s Time to do Damage Control!
- YOU have to MOVE!
- Silent Carriers of Death
- Of Reprieve and Restoration
- God is about to deal with your issues!
- Be still and know that I AM God
- Old Wives Tales and Acts of Divination
- Suddenly, you will be asked to flee
- There’s a planting rain falling
- America’s Population Reduction Strategy
- Beware of the bad-seed sowers
- Living in the wrong land
- Don’t stay too long!
- A remnant of chosen vessels coming forth
- The Lord says: Pray for our youth!
- Walking contrary to the Lord’s will
- God hates manipulated prophecy
- Learning when to hold your peace
- We need to Try the Spirit!
Apostle Barbara R. Thomas is founder of I Come to Heal Ministries, A Woman’s touch Ministry, The Next Dimension Global Outreach Ministries and Spoken Word School of Ministry and is on a mission, traveling the world, proclaiming the Gospel, for souls to be won to the Kingdom of God. She has life mandate to help bring others to their divine purpose.