Personal Testimony: If You Ever Dance With God – You’ll Never Be the Same!
Personal Testimony: My Testimony of Many Healings
Personal Testimony: Astounding Miracles Happen
Personal Testimony: Shaken and Shocked!
Newest 200 First
- A Faith that Keeps Moving!
- The Setback was a Setup!
- Generational Spirits are being Broken Off Families!
- Correction Is NOT Judgement!
- The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy
- The Mind of Christ Will Be The Mark!
- How do you recognize Your Assignment?
- I have set before you and open door!
- Dividing lines are being drawn
- That spider has no teeth
- Don’t Stay Stagnant – Let it Flow!
- Forgiveness and the Glory
- To be known by you!
- Do you see me Daddy?
- HE is your Husband!
- I AM a Jealous God
- I heard The Lord laughing with delight!
- I Want Them to know My Heart!
- Out of Sync?
- Jealousy changes You and everyone around You!
- Self Pity and the Martyr Personality
- Travail is overdue and it’s coming!
- I AM Calling The Noah’s To Focus!
- God’s Refreshing Wind
- My Eagles Will Carry the Weightiness of Truth!
- It is Time to Walk into that which You were Born to do!
- Signs of the Times: An Ichthus
- Knowing His Love Will Keep You Through It All
- The Redeemed Of The Lord Shall Return
- The Lord is MY Shepherd? Really?
- Seated with Him in Heavenly Places
- The Spirit Of Manipulation
- The Feast and the Fire ~ A Day to Remember!
- He Has Not Forgotten You!
- The Reverse Tsunami Vision
- I heard The Lord shouting: “Wake Up!”
- You are being Prepared to Partner with Papa
- Why Not YOU?
- Stand against the spirit ravaging America!
- The Apostolic Church Is Arising!
- Tongues Are For Mums!
- The Prophetic Army Of God
- Let Joy be your bucket for deliverance and healing
- Tables are being turned and Prayer Bowls tipped!
- The House of Prayer
- Liquid Prayers Filling The Bowls That Are Being Tipped!
- Blasting the bullies who have kept you back!
- You Perfect day is being prepared!
- Ready to move on up?
- He is searching for you to arise to the times we live in!
- I Saw Many Samsons Arising
- Prepare to go into your greater, while in this Transition
- Wind, Angels and Earthquakes: Awakening the Glorious Church!
- It’s time to start Thinking!
- A New Song and a New Pentecost
- The Lord says: ‘All Aboard!”
- You are destined to Reign!
- Who Is This King of Glory?
- The Overflow of the Secret Place is being poured out!
- Calling The Harvesters!
- Visions Are God’s Warnings
- Lift Up Your Song, Lift Up Your Head
- Insecurity Is Not Humility
- The Spring Cleaners
- You are Carrying a Three Generational Mantle
- You Are The Right Twin
- Generational Curse To Generational Blessing
- From Barrenness to Resurrection
- The Voice of Many Waters
- A Prayer for Habitation
- Occupy and Shine
- Again I say to you: Wear It Anyway!
- God is Calling His Intercessors
- True Intimacy
- The Glory Gusher!
- Keep Focusing!
- God asks: How BIG is your Vision?
- The Clash of Two Kingdoms in this Next Election
- Foreign Fighter Planes over USA
- His Eyes Are Running Through The Earth
- Put on the Yellow Dress and Shine in the Darkness
- Stop Fearing and Start Singing!
- God’s Holy Flow!
- Never let Jealousy keep you from Reigning
- My Body will see their need of Me
- Remember His Benefits! They are a Sure Thing!
- For our Older Children…
- Be positioned to shine forth His Glory!
- I AM Creating a Kingdom Intervention
- I Will Sing about the Story of His Glory!
- The Lord has an Open Window for you
- I AM Shaking Foundations for Reformation
- Give Them a Break!
- Through the Eyes of a Child – I Will Show You My Kingdom
- Glory In The House!
- You are coming out of the Wilderness into the Power of the Spirit
- New Assignments and Positions for the Next Season
- God is Vindicating and Validating His True Prophetic Voices
- How to Rest in a Shmita שביעית Year
- I had a Vision of Someone Being Put into a Catapult
- Do NOT give up now!
- Time to Cast Down the Mindset of the World
- Rest, Realign, Float…. to your Next Assignment
- Downloads, Dreams and Songs in the Night for Nations
- The Lord says: MY Prophetic Intercessors are Arising
- GOD Is Marking HIS Intercessors
- Speak Truth!
- Dream of Being Doubly Clad
- The Lord says: “Dig Deeper into ME!”
- 2015: The year the Great Treasure will be Found
- Step Out and see the Impossible become Possible Today!
- A Night Vision of this New Year 2015
- Let God Arise and His Enemies be Scattered!
- What NOT to do with your Dreams
- Do You See What I See?
- I AM Shaking the Foundation, for Women who are Hidden
- 2015: A Time of Rest (Schmita) to Receive Greater Revelation
- Come Up Here – Listen to the Sound of Heaven…
- Forget Not, all of His Benefits
- A Night Vision of New Year 2015
- Restored Relationships and Prodigals Coming Home
- Be Filled With HIS Power!
- Shine, Reflect the Source, Jesus Himself!
- 2015: The Seed of The Generals will Generate a Great Harvest
- It is Not Time to Give Up!
- Press Past the Pharisees and Tell of HIS Glory!
- When My Vow Became a god
- Embracing The Whirlwind
- The Sound of Desperation Crying for Reformation
- Open Up the Sky and Let Down the Ladder
- Sit at My Feet and Strategies Will Come
- The Lord sees us His Way
- A Prophetic Dream About The Hall Of Transition
- Believe in The God Who is in You
- I Hear the Rattling of Dry Bones!
- Obey the Promptings and Disciplines of The Holy Spirit
- The Rhythm Of Heaven
- God is Sending Many out into their Destiny!
- The Sound of The Roar is Being Heard!
- I Will Walk With My People Again…
- 5775 – The Year Of Christ In You To Capacity!
- I AM Coming as The Rain!
- The Lord says, Prepare for the Harvest!
- A Word For Someone ~ Don’t Give Up, Breakthrough Is Here!
- You’re Coming Up Out Of That Pit!
- From 9/11 to Amos 9/11
- Get Up Again with Wisdom
- The Next Season is Full of Activity in Natural & Spiritual!
- It’s Time to Reach Out to Those who don’t Know Christ
- It’s All About Your Authority!!
- The Elimination Of The Fence!
- Get Ready to Revisit Your Old Dreams
- Tribulation Today….
- You Would Not Have Gone This Way!
- The Blood of the Martyrs will Cause a Great Harvest and Awakening!
- No American Tribulation?
- HE is the Sole Expression of the Glory of God and HE Dwells in You
- The Heat Up in August and Seismic Activity
- We will Speak for Those not Heard in Past Generations!
- The Lord say: I AM Hearing the Cries of MY Creation
- A Word For Someone…
- A Dream of Deliverance, Healing & Prayer for Your Loved Ones
- Blow The Trumpet In Zion!
- Humility: Doing What God Has Called You To Do…
- Heaven and Earth are Waiting!
- From Crisis to Transition to Power of the Spirit
- The Harvest is READY!!
- From Transition to Double for your Trouble!
- The Time of the 2’s and Double Anointings
- Religion versus Relationship
- The Lord says: Take Dominion!!
- Will you be a Miracle Worker or will you be Offended?
- A Great Shift Is Here!
- I AM Bringing Your Children To The Foot Of The Cross
- Twins for Your Barrenness and Double for Your Shame…
- The More you Pray, the More Revelation!
- Speak it Forth in Confidence!
- Bless, as You Wait upon The Lord…
- I Will Restore Your Passion!
- God Said “This Dream Shall Now Come To Pass!”
- The Lord said: The Wind Is About To Blow Again!!
- You Are Not Who Sin Says You Are!
- The Lord says: Blessed are they who NEED Him….
- Time To Break Through The Shame Of Your Past
- Rise Up Oh Sons of the Mighty!
- Will YOU come out of your BOX for GOD?
- A Word For Someone!
- God is Raising Up Prophetic Intercessors for the Harvest
- Are You Ready to Break the Traditions of Men?
- Rumblings…
- A Dream About Ukraine
- The Door to the Past is CLOSED FOREVER!
- I will set your Heart on Fire as you Open the Door to ME!
- The Lord Asks, “Is there a Prophet among you?”
- Seek ME Daily – You’re NOT getting a Blueprint!
- The Lord says: I Really Like You!
- The Valley Of Trouble Will Become A Door Of Hope In 2014
- Today I AM Opening Doors, says The LORD
- The LORD Shall Roar out of ZION!
- Understanding our Revelations and Responding Correctly
Jo Ellen Stevens is an international prophetic speaker, author, worship leader and intercessor, She ministered with her husband for 29 years pastoring, teaching, and leading prophetic worship. She is a prophetic author featured on websites such as “Spirit Fuel”, “The Elijah List” and “His Kingdom Prophecy” She has taught many bible study groups and has led prophetic intercessory prayer groups. She operates in a Prophetic anointing and in Word of Knowledge and Word of Wisdom. She believes that every believer should be hearing The LORD’s Woice and resounding His heart out of their intimate relationship with Him. Jo Ellen believes God called her many years ago to encourage the body of Christ to “Arise and Shine” with The Glory of The LORD for such a time as this, no matter what their age, background or social status! Jo also believes that God has given us each a platform to use the gifts and talents that He has given us to bring those who do not know The LORD out of the kingdom of darkness, into the kingdom of God and that social media will play a great part in covering the earth with His Glory!