Personal Testimony: 3 Divine Encounters
Newest 200 First
- Did YOU do what I said?
- Confidence speeds your growth process
- Six billion worlds on planet Earth
- Speaking form Experience
- There is NO Holy Ghost format!
- Not everybody is going to like you
- When you can’t receive Love, the damage you cause is great!
- The Western Church has been passed by!
- Can’t find a Home Church? Turn your Home into a Church!
- Outreach or Reach Out?
- Why do people say, God is in Control?
- Are YOU drunk on delicacies?
- You don’t stand a change against the devil
- More than a full plate, will cause hell to prevail
- All Deception Stops Here!
- Aren’t YOU even Curious?
- From Flirting to Affair to Divorce
- There is Nothing to grab on to!
- Really, Seriously, how solid is your Faith in ME?
- Are YOU Carnal?
- Your life could be so much easier!
- There’s no half stepping in the Spirit!
- Kingdom Suicide Prevention
- Mom, it’s your choice!
- Man’s ways are NOT My ways!
- Who said I no longer talk to people?
- Morphed into a fully fledged Warrior
- Before you open your mouth – put on a display
- Report Dividing Spirits
- Satan in Albany NY.
- “People need space to destroy!”
- Discipline is NOT punishment!
- Will you fold, like a cheap suit?
- Could you be more specific please?
- I’m not getting fed!
- Are you a Dead Sea?
- Never Name-Drop in the Spirit World
- When you Cry Out, I will know you are Serious!
- When Trouble comes your way
- Compare yourself to My Word, as it is written
- If you fake it, you won’t make it!
- Pastor: Don’t be happy about all your visitors!
- MY Grace is Enough!
- When you can’t do anything right…
- Have you ever been kicked out of Church?
- Deal or No Deal – Peace of No Peace
- ME and Mine above all else
- Evolution V Revolution
- Are You Still Working on the Wrong House?
- You sing: I want MORE?
- What are YOU looking at?
- Boring Church, Boring Youth Group & Life
- Kingdom Language Class
- Is you Heart turning to Stone?
- Yesterday’s Faith is gone forever
- But can you pass the Hormone Test?
- Where cash is no longer king
- Are YOU sure YOU know God?
- The Sign of Jonah is all you’re going to get!
- A Joint in Church
- The Crazy Thing about MY Love
- Why you can’t cut off Goliath’s head
- You Lie when you say, “I don’t care what people think”
- Take the club away from your enemy
- Reaction is not Rebellion
- Understanding Kingdom Currency
- To Glorify God or Not – The Consequences are Major!
- 3 Reasons bad things happen to good people
- LOVE never fails, so how long can YOU last?
- Unconditional Love – It’s not human!
- You only Think you have Unconditional Love!
- When you Sin, do you feel rotten?
- Overcome Temptation by staying God Conscious
- Stop Believer Assisted Suicides
- The Deadliest Cold
- Those Irrelevant 2,000 Year-old Letters?
- Long Term love
- The Only SuperPower left on Earth
- Doctors and Your Faith!
- Enjoying, Loving, Passionate, what’s the difference?
- What happens in Vagas does not stay in Vagas
- There is no safe day without my angels!
- Hanging Out – Kingdom Style!
- I see You Differently
- Everything depends on the Life of God in you!
- How Long does it take to Wash Clean?
- Learn to Listen to what is being said!
- I did MY Part – now you got to save yourselves!
- The Heroes of Faith and People with Gifts
- There’s No such thing as a simple Yes or No!
- I WILL get what I paid for!
- Weapons of Mass Distraction
- The Kingdom Stock Market
- Watch Out for Birds and Parasites!
Jim Hammerle (1941-2017) began ministering with David Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz, founding Teen Challenge Philadelphia. 6 times pastoring a mission ship, 15 years with TV and radio, a retired businessman, Jim helped feed Ugandan widows and orphans, and helped Muslims find the Jesus who fed them. He was His banker and was privileged to give His money away, helping to build a Haiti orphanage and invest in USA lives.
Jim passed away on May 23, 2017 to be with the LORD.