Books by Deborah Waldron Fry
“This series of books are prophetic words that I have received from the Father through the Holy Spirit to encourage, edify, and comfort the Body of Christ.”
Newest 200 First
- Arise and shine for your time has come
- I AM worthy of your trust
- Come to Me, all who labor
- The Good Shepherd of Psalm 23
- You are walking in My Rain!
- I AM your Comforter
- No good thing will be withheld!
- The Commander of Heaven’s Army says to His own
- I AM fanning the Flames
- I AM the God of your salvation
- There is a turn around coming for you!
- A New Chapter in your Book of Life
- The Captain of the Lord of Hosts!
- Do not let your heart be troubled
- A Word about CERN and fear
- Hidden under the Shadow of His Wing
- There is no spot in you!
- Believe MY Word!
- For me, to live is Christ
- I removed your transgressions from you
- I AM pouring the Oil of Gladness
- I AM is Scattering Your Enemies to the Four Winds!
- Listen to My Spirit speaking
- Open the door to Me, Beloved
- Hear the sound of the trumpet
- You have Angels encamped around you
- I will vindicate My People!
- Return to your Stronghold, prisoners of Hope!
- It is time to arise and shine, Beloved!
- Hidden under the Shadow of My Wings
- I have set you as a watchman
- The cold dark winter is past
- I AM with you in the night watches
- Days of Awe are here!
- I AM singing over you!
- I AM walking among you
- There are more FOR you than against!
- Man’s wisdom is failing
- Many of My Children feel weak and helpless
- I call you BEAUTIFUL
- A Vision of White Stones
- I see your tears of frustration
- My Perfect Love casts out fear
- I have your bags packed – ready to go!
- There is a clearing ahead!
- This is the year of winning
- I have declared Vindication!
- Why is your soul so downcast?
- Come, follow Me, Beloved!
- My Light is shining upon you!
- Come forth, walk in My light!
- The Enemy is an Impostor!
- A little Word about Healing
- Let My Peace override the fear
- A Kiss in the Spirit
- Hear the heartbeat of the River of Life
- You are on the OFFENSIVE LINE
- Peace, be still, Little One
- Stand and Walk with ME!
- Keep your mind on things above!
- Rejoice in My Strength, Beloved
- Do not fret because of those who do evil
- I have so much to reveal to you!
- The enemy attempts to attach chains to bind you
- My Peace I give to you freely
- I AM doing a new thing, Beloved
- Let your heart take courage
- I AM the Infallible God!
- Do you feel like your back is up against a wall?
- Do not fear this Season!
- You dwell in My Tent of protection
- Hear MY Clarion Call!
- There is a gathering happening!
- One day there will be no more time!
- My counsel stands forever
- The wildfires are burning!
- Do not despise the day of small things
- I AM with you always
- Though you are afflicted, you shall not be crushed
- I AM your Refuge from the storm!
- I AM bringing My Bride sweet relief
- You are My Beloved Warrior Bride
- HIS Call to Arms!
- Your future is BRIGHT, My Bride
- Only Believe!
- I have been training you, My Child
- The One who IS Love, loves you
- Never give up Praying!
- It is a time of new beginnings!
- You must trust Me in this!
- I AM never angry at you!
- I AM mighty to save!
- You never reach into a void!
- I AM opening doors of opportunity
- The Bridegroom’s perfect wedding ring
- Wave upon wave of Glory – Now!
- I AM the Bridegroom, you are My Betrothed
- I see the End from the Beginning!
- In My Eyes NO ONE is insignificant
- Tears do not mean you are weak!
- I AM filling your coffers to overflowing
- By the Blood, YOU are an Overcomer!
- I AM For You and Not Against You
- As you realize who I AM, your faith shall soar
- Where is my healer?
- Keep fighting the good fight of faith!
- Don’t be downcast, your King is coming!
- I AM making you beautiful, pure, stable and glorious
- My Glory has risen upon you!
- Do you know Me in all of My Goodness?
- A Directive for these last days
- I AM your Rescuer
- Be expectant, My Child
- My Warriors: I AM bringing you RELIEF
- The times of refreshing are here!
- You have more to experience in Me!
- Are YOU Marked by The Father as His?
- Do NOT be afraid, you highly esteemed!
- I have put My Fire in your very DNA
- I AM He who washed you clean!
- I AM the God of “suddenlies”
- I made you MORE than conquerors!
- Beloved, I AM the Breaker!
- Do not weep, Beloved
- Know that I have overcome!
- Beloved, I do not give up!
- Do not be anxious of this present storm
- The Lord says, I AM your Keeper!
- I AM tuning your spirit with Mine!
- I AM Your Exceeding Great Reward
- Do not fear, I have overcome!
- I AM your Rock and Fortress!
- You are in this World but NOT of this World
- Angels are on assignment with you!
- The fourth Man in the Fire
- The LORD raises His Battle Cry!
- Overcome demonic persecution!
- My Lovingkindness shall NEVER depart from you
- You have been raised for these times!
- Abba Father is singing a lullaby
- I have a Place for you!
- I AM the Door, Beloved!
- I have made a means of Escape!
- Who can stand against you?
- The Lord says: My favor is upon you!
- No longer be a slave to fear
- Beloved, it is finished!
- Do you know who you are in ME?
- A vision of the Glorious Cross
- Receive all that I have for you
- You are IN Me and I AM in you
- My Child, Don’t feel Guilty!
- The Attitude of Victory!
- You are being Changed!
- I will meet you where you are
- I AM bringing forth My hidden ones
- The Lord says: I shall sustain you!
- I AM always smiling upon you!
- The Lord says: Take the Land!
- You are a Powerhouse, Beloved
- Speak out – what I have given you!
- Close the book on the past!
- There is a war going on
- Come out into the deep, Beloved
- Join in My Triumphal Parade!
- Turn Off… says the Lord
- The Day of the Lord is at Hand
- Listen to MY Voice of Comfort
- Be Children of the Spirit
- I AM taking care of You
- You are NOT what society tells you!
- The devil is a trespasser
- Who are You, in Christ Jesus?
- You are not alone; You are not rejected by ME
- My Love shall set you free
- Be comforted by My Word
- You are My Mouthpiece to the world!
- Listen: as I Speak and Heal
- I AM the Lord who heals you!
- You are no longer a slave to fear
- My Spirit dwells in you
- I have Delivered you!
- Drink from ME!
- Child, I weep when you weep
- The Dawn is almost at hand
- Your Faith is in the pipeline
- I AM the Sure Foundation
- It is DONE!
- MY Anointing Breaks Every Yoke
- Soon MY feet shall touch the Earth
- The Lord says, You are MY Separated Ones
- The Lord says, I AM Roaring into your Atmosphere
- The Lord says, I hear the cry of the broken
- Our Gentle Savior
- The Lord’s Presence Illuminates Us!