Newest First
- “I AM That I AM” Is Here!
- The Reward Of The Wicked Now Seen
- The Righteous Now Behold!
- A Word for This Day and This Hour
- Heaven or Hell — God’s Judgment Is Here
- A Word of The LORD This Day for You
- Jesus — The Gift of Salvation
- God’s Foolishness vs Man’s Wisdom
- The Kingdoms of this World
- God Is Calling To You — His Love Speaks!
- Behold the Hand of God Now!
- The Mercies of God Speak — Now Hear!
- Church As Usual Is No More!
- A Time To Unite Body Of Christ!
- The Miraculous Wonders of God, Behold!
- The Salvation of The LORD Has Come
- Are You Holding on to Unforgiveness?
- “My People, Arise Shine for Thy Light Has Come!”
- The Great Commission and The Work of The Kingdom
- “Man without God” — You Have Been Called Out!
- God Leaves the Ninety-Nine for the One
- Take Not The Grace of God For Granted!
- The Elements are Released in the Land
- The Righteous Right Hand of God Shines
- All Is Weighed In The Balance
- God’s Kingdom Come — God’s Will Be Done!
- Judgement Begins at The House of God
- All Must Give an Answer
- The Heart of Man
- Come Away and Be Still
- God — Respecter of No Man!
- Watch & Pray Always
- The LORD’s Glory Has Risen
- Jesus Return!
- The Kingdom of God the Gospel of Christ
- The Saving Grace of God Speaks
- God Alone is The Judge
- The LORD is Knocking on the Door of Your Heart!
- God’s Righteous Judgments — Times and Seasons
- The Word
- The Elements are Stirred
- God Upholds His Chosen
- Behold — The Hand of God
- Believe in The LORD Your God!
- The Hand of God is Now Seen
- The Winds of Repentance are Blowing!
- Isaiah 60:2 Resounds Once Again!
- Become Wise: Choose the Life and the Light!
Prophetess Sylvia Ann Artis is a Wife and Mother. Her words of Prophecy is a Cry of the Father’s Heart for Men everywhere to repent and be saved through Christ Jesus.
Her current postings can be viewed and read on His Kingdom Prophecy website, Facebook ministry page “House of Prayer Church”, YouTube, and other Social Media outlets. Her only heart’s desire is to hear her Heavenly Father say well done, come on in my good and faithful servant. She is the author of “Setting The Captive Free,” available through Amazon.