Newest First
- The Glory of The LORD is Revealed
- The LORD is Blocking Time — Allowing His Glory to Come
- America: The Government is Shutting Down
- Take Heed How You Build Your Houses
- Pray for Rain
- America and Powerless Nations
- Ye are the Sons and Daughters of Christ
- War and Famine Coming to America
- The Blasting of the Horn
- HE Has Prepared a Path!
- Wilderness Attacks
- The Mercy of God the Father
- Shifted into Swift Transition
- The Full Measure of Grace
- Another Trumpet Blow
- Step Back from the World
- My Justice My Peace
- The Victory in Salvation
- Oklahoma: A Storm is Coming
- The Time of My Glory is Fast Approaching
- The Beginning of Final Instructions
- For an Appointed Time — A Stabilizing Word
- Prepare for the Storm!
- The Just Shall Live by Faith — A National Cry
- Pray That Your Faith Fails Not
- Remember Who You Are!
- Listen to the Sounds of the Earth
- The Heathen Has NOT Taken Over the World!
- Peace Under My Rule
- The Stain of Sin
- He Will Come With Rumblings for His People
- The LORD is Singing to Us
- Let the Prophets Pray
- Praying The Word for God’s Perfect Will
- I will Sing a New Song
- Yes — It is Finished!
- A Full Reward
- Get on Board!
- America: You are Sleeping on My Word!
- Pentecostal Fire
- Time Escalation
- The Pause Before Pentecost
- Yes, His Peace!
- Eat HIS Rest!
- Hear the Trumpet Sound — For I AM Raising the Spiritually Dead!
- This is Your Government
- Kingdom Building — Expect a Kingdom Shift
- Hell is a Torture Chamber
- You are Not Under Egyptian Rule!
- The Serpent’s Throne is Thrown Down!
- The Split of the Great Divine
- USA: Spiritual Wickedness in High Places
- He Will do a New Thing!
- The Lion Roars from His Throne Room
- Take the Shackles off Your Feet and Dance
- The Church is in a Fight for Life
- Is There a Cyrus Among You?
- Look Up and Live
- The Enemy’s CV Deception
- Warning of Another Devastating Woe — the Sound of War
Mary Adger is in ministry for The LORD and runs her own website “In it for Him”, for when God says “BE STILL” He is just trying to get us to that perfect place in His will.