Newest First
- Always the Same!
- His Passion and Zeal
- An Overflow!
- Freight Train Coming!
- New Wineskins
- Election Day & Prayer for U.S. Elections and President Trump
- Three in One
- The Hour is Urgent!
- His Perfect Timing
- A Prayer for Israel
- Uncovering Darkness
- The Beginning and the End
- Are We an Integral Part of These Perilous Times?
- Stand and Fight
- Dry Lake Bed and New Day Dawning
- Be Still!
- Kings of the Earth
- God of Greatness
- The Birthing
- Do You Believe?
- Freedom is at Hand!
- Process and Completion
- The Victory!
- Sword of The Kingdom
- Ask Now!
- Remember Who You Are
- The Ways of God and the Fullness of His Kingdom
- Faith With No Limits
- Sheep Nations and Goat Nations
- A Table of My Love!
- Consuming Fire
- “I AM Already There!”
- The Hour is at Hand!
- He Fights for Us
- Established in His Love
- The Hour of Visitation
- Behold the Light!
- The Fingerprints of God
- Rise Up!
- Prepare for the Acceleration
- There is a Goshen
- The Axis
- The Unfamiliar Familiar
- So it Will Be!
- Watch and See!
- The Bowls are Full!
- God is Moving and the Renewing of Our Minds
- Beauty Will Arise
- Mighty Move of God
- Peace and Rest and Joy
- Sprouts in a Jar
- First and Foremost!
- Boiled Eggs in Trash
- Winds of Change
- Creation Eagerly Waits!
- Oceans of My Love
- “I AM He!”
- Nothing I Hold Onto — The Greatest Days
- A Great Adventure
- The Fire is Coming
- Sweet Communion and the Revealing
- Revelation of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit
- The Unity of The Godhead
- Your Destiny!
- Walk With Me!
- Thanksgiving Prayer
- God of the Impossible
- The Brilliance of His Plan & Our Privilege
- The Gift of Gathering
- I AM Moving!
- The Importance of Worship: Unity and Power
- Times of Miracles
- Fine Rain
- Beauty of My Plan
- Victory and Celebration!
- Prayer for God’s People and the World
- Stand Strong! Stand Strong!
- A Prayer for Israel
- A Prayer for Protection
- Receive Your Victory!
- Altogether Lovely
- Stand Strong!
- Smote!
- Take Back the Land!
- Consuming Fire!
- “My Blood!”
- Raindrops on Floodwaters
- Majesty and Justice
- The Battle is Already Won!
- The Life and The Power
- The Hour of The LORD’s Great Visitation
- A Time of Sweet Communion with The King
- “My Love!”
- On the Cusp of Great Change — Don’t Look Back!
- Arise and Shine!
- New Day!
- The LORD Has Sounded The Alarm!
- All Glory and Honor and Power!
Marietta Wilkinson is a Prophetic Voice called to usher in The Fire and Glory of The LORD for such a time as this.
Find Marietta at @swordofthekingdom (Telegram) and at praying_scripture (Instagram)