Newest First
- The Great Tribulation: Hell Unleashed On Earth
- End Times Army of God: Rise To Glory!
- Vision of the New World Order and the Beast System
- The Armor of God Prayer!
- What Is That Despicable Thing Doing To You?
- The Upcoming Passover: Is There A Surprise Coming?
- God’s Heart For The Nations
- Prophetic Mantles: Which Ones Are You Called To Wear?
- Vision of the Riders on White Horses
- Is God Trying To Tell Us Something?
- The Shield of Faith
- The Roles of The Jews and the Gentiles In The End Times
- Strategies of the Enemy Against the Saints
- To The Saints In Nigeria
- Vision of the Mountains and Meadow of Sunflowers
- The Beast System: Are The Chips Falling Into Place?
- Pray for Your Unsaved Loved Ones!
- Romans 16:19 Says…
- Receiving Your Anointing And Breakthrough!
- Shadow of the Things to Come — Part 3
- Shadow of the Things to Come — Part 2
- Shadows of the Things to Come
- When The Enemy Is About To Strike…
- Keep Going!
- A Vision of the Lion of Judah!
- How the Enemy’s Network of Evil Forces Work Against God’s Calling In Us
- The End Times As Foreshadowed in the Red Sea Event — Part 3
- The End Times As Foreshadowed in the Red Sea Event — Part 2
- The End Times As Foreshadowed in the Red Sea Event — Part 1
- Heaven’s Song to Celebrate the Return of Our Savior
- The Story of The Businessman And His Seven Children
- The Two Witnesses
- The Tares and the Wheat
- Vision of the Return of the Savior — Part 2
- Vision of the Return of the Savior!
- Trumpet Sounds in the Sky & Prophecies Being Fulfilled!
- Vision of the Rapture in Russia, China & Malaysia!
- Vision of the Rapture in the United States of America
- A Message to the American Church
- Second Prophetic Message to the American Church!
- A Prophetic Message to the American Church
Julia A. is a prophetic author, who was saved 2011. She has written six prophetic messages to a church in Kansas and publicly shares on her website, Warrior Princess of God, her testimony about the faithfulness of God in the persecution she has faced. She realizes that God’s call for her is to recognize His heart for the world for the glory of His Son, Jesus Christ. For any questions, please reach Julia at